clyfford still museum by allied works denver
2011-11-21 13:48
Dedicated solely to the work of leading American abstract expressionist Clyfford Still (1904-1980), this new Denver museum was designed by Portland-based architects Allied Works, led by director Brad Cloepfil Photography by Jeremy Bittermann
致力于主要的美国抽象表现主义者克莱福德仍然(1904-1980)的工作,这个新的丹佛博物馆是由总部设在波特兰的联合作品建筑,由主任布拉德克洛普菲尔领导。这位著名的私人艺术家在他的有生之年很少展出,在他死后,他的藏品直到现在都被公众所封锁。博物馆馆长迪安·索贝尔(Dean Sobel)说,我们以前对静态的认识是基于一小部分属于公共领域的作品,仅占艺术家创作成果的6%。新的克莱福德博物馆自豪地收藏了这位艺术家94%的作品,从20世纪30年代的早期作品到20世纪60年代和70年代的抽象画,这些作品都是他在1951年结束与商业画廊的关系后创作的。博物馆收藏了他妻子帕特里夏捐赠的2,400多幅油画、绘画、版画和雕塑。克洛普菲尔把这座建筑设计成了一个紧张而亲密的环境,让游客体验着仍然在做的工作。他说:“这座建筑被认为是一种近乎地质的体验;在被自然光放大的空间里,它牢牢地容纳了游客和艺术。”游客们分阶段进入静态世界,从街道走到大楼,穿过一个宁静的树木环绕的园林。“从城市到公园,再到建筑,创造了一个休息仪式,为游客准备好与这个极其重要的素描和绘画身体的私人关系,”克洛普菲尔解释道。这座建筑看上去很致密,很有雕塑感,里面有两层“工作得很好的混凝土”。然而,由于部分混凝土天花板、天窗和侧窗,它是一个充满光线的避风港。裸露的混凝土画廊是亲密和平静,但宽敞。克莱福德仍然博物馆包括不少于9个画廊,以及一个图书馆,教育和档案资源,一个保护工作室,和储藏。中央双高走廊也是一个展览空间,展示艺术家的生活信息。新开放的博物馆的第一次展览探索了艺术家早期的抽象方式,包括许多必看的作品,比如以前从未向公众展示过的作品,以及现存的仅有的三件雕塑。
The building appears dense and sculptural, incorporating two storeys of 'richly worked concrete'
It is, however, a light-filled haven, thanks to a partly perforated concrete ceiling, skylights and side openings
Visitors enter Still's world in stages, walking from the street to the building, through a serene tree-filled landscaped garden. 'The sequence from city, to park, to building creates a ceremony of repose that prepares the visitor for a personal and very physical relationship with this incredibly important body of drawings and paintings,' Cloepfil explains
The exposed concrete galleries are intimate and calm, yet spacious
The famously private Clyfford Still exhibited extremely infrequently in his lifetime and after his death, his collection was sealed off from public view until now
The new Clyfford Still Museum now proudly houses an impressive 94% of the artist's oeuvre, spanning his early works from the 1930s to his abstract paintings of the 1960s and 1970s, created after he famously ended his relationship with commercial galleries in 1951
The museum holds a whopping 2,400 paintings, drawings, prints and sculptures donated by his wife Patricia Still
Clyfford Still Museum includes no less than nine galleries, as well as a library, educational and archival resources, a conservation studio, and storage
The freshly opened museum's first exhibition explores the artist's early approach to abstraction and includes plenty of must-sees, such as works that have never been shown to the public before, as well as the only three sculptures by Still in existence
keywords:design, architecture, architect, denver, clyfford still museum, clyfford still, allied works architecture, allied works