paris palais de tokyo reopens
2012-04-18 14:55
Descending the main staircase of the reopened Palais de Tokyo leads to this saturated work by Ulla Von Brandenberg. Alas, no skateboarding allowed. Photography: André Morin
在法语中,一次改头换面被称为“重新审视”,这是一种更好(如果不是更概念化)的方式来理解最近的变化,因为东京万国宫(Palais de东京)至今仍未完成。彼得·布根赫特(PeterBuggenhout)的一座巨大的悬空雕塑,包含了扭曲的金属和其他工业材料,似乎是建筑的残余,为子孙后代所保存。墙壁仍未油漆,目前尚不清楚一堆被警戒线封锁的木材是垃圾还是艺术装置(很可能是前者)。
在被邀请在22000平方米空间内创建特定地点作品的艺术家中,W* 2011客座编辑Christian Marclay在他的入口处偷偷展示了他的彩色玻璃连环窗,用“Surruuuuf”、“SpRoCH”、“KRA SKKK”爆炸了。还有一个复杂的解释,大熊星座在缠绕和黑光由Julien Salaud题为“Grotte Stellaire”(星光熠熠洞穴)在一个地下室。
面对与Musée d‘Art Mone共用的庭院的窗户,目前被Dan Perjovschi的充满文化色彩的文字插图所覆盖,这进一步证明了窗口作为艺术媒介的作用。其中一篇文章写道:“人类的历史,从大爆炸到大麦克。”
A view of the gallery space on the uppermost floor of the Palais de Tokyo, with the main staircase at left
As if suspended mid-collapse, Peter Buggenhout’s 'The Blind Leading the Blind' sculpture occupies prime space just off the museum’s main entrance
A view from the outside of the Christian Marclay’s 'Seven Windows' that riff on the graphic sound effects in comic books and stained glass
The Palais de Tokyo is open from noon until midnight everyday (except Tuesday), so Marclay's work will be illuminated both when viewed from the street as well as from the Tokyo Eats café shown here
This curving, airy exhibition gallery will be one of the new spaces unveiled for the Palais de Tokyo’s Trienniale exhibition, beginning Friday
Look up into the centre of the the Grand Rotunda to discover Lauren Derobert's idiosyncratic formula that incorporates the Hebrew letter 'Hei' to suggest another universe that gets closer and closer to ours but never reaching it
The museum is perched on a hill overlooking the Seine. Removing partition walls and installing new windows has further opened the street level space, also renovated in 2002
In the deep underbelly of the Palais de Tokyo, artist Julien Salaud has used white thread and black light to create animal constellations as a way of tying together the prehistoric Lascaux Cave drawings and astrology
This is part of the space that had been blocked off from the public for decades. Now open, it stretches from one side of the lowest level to the other and will be used for exhibitions and events
Soaring ceilings throughout the lowest level of the museum have been complemented by renovated clerestory windows, which bathe the space in natural light
keywords:Palais de Tokyo, Contemporary art, art gallery, paris