galerie perrotin stages homage to pierre paulin fiac paulin paulin paulin
2015-10-23 18:41
A new exhibition at Galerie Perrotin on the work of Pierre Paulin, which anticipates a comprehensive retrospective at the Centre Pompidou in March, promises to elicit an engaged response from the public. Pictured: Paulin's furniture in situ at the Musée du Louvre, Paris, 2005. Photography: Candida Höfer. Courtesy Köln / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn & ADGAP, Paris, 2015
在最近一本关于皮埃尔·保林(Pierre Paulin)的专著中,这位法国设计师承认,“我设计了一些过于复杂、没有得到公众任何回应的东西-不管是太早,还是在不痒的地方抓东西。”我不太清楚。“
开业前几个小时,这位设计师的家人-他的遗孀Ma a Wodzislawska Paulin,儿子Benjamin和他的妻子Alice Lemoine-带领墙纸*穿过了四个主要空间。他们指出了一张老的黑白照片是如何将皮埃尔的脚趾头放在最前面的位置;他们还特别提到了保林对皇家万国宫的提议。这将由丹尼尔·布伦赢得,但设计并非徒劳无功;1987年,保林在奥古斯特·佩雷特宫(Palais d‘Iena)重新设计了地毯的几何图案,这使他的“法兰西之家”(Jardinàla Fran aise)有了立足之地。
画廊里也重现了同样的场景;然而,这里却被迈克·布切特(Mike Bouchet)的超现实主义绘画所包围(从汉堡中融化出来的奶酪三角形奇怪地呼应着保林的塔皮斯·西格(Tapis Siège),旁边还插着一部Veilhan手机。
在某些情况下,对保林的敬意是故意的和直接的:是伯特兰·哈维尔(Bertrand Lavier)准备的,他在档案柜上架设了一张紫色的舌头椅;或者是卡迪达·霍弗(Candida H Fer)从2005年起拍摄的卢浮宫大加利利(Grand Galerie)的深刻透视照片,在那里,保林的圆形宴会充当了事实上的距离标志。
This owes in part to a dynamic arrangement of Paulin pieces, surrounded by works from other contemporary artists including Xavier Veilhan, KAWS, Elmgreen & Dragset and Jesús Rafael Soto. From left: Mike Bouchet, Pierre Paulin Xavier Veilhan and John De Andrea. Photography: Claire Dorn. Copyright Xavier Veilhan / ADAGP, Paris, 2015. Courtesy Paulin, Paulin, Paulin, Peres Projects and Galerie Perrotin
De Andrea's bronze nudes are provocatively placed throughout the show. Pictured left to right: Jesús-Rafael Soto, Pierre Paulin, John De Andrea and Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian. Photography: Claire Dorn. Copyright Jesús-Rafael Soto / ADAGP, Paris, 2015, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian and The Third Line. Courtesy 'Paulin, Paulin, Paulin' and Galerie Perrotin
'Paulin, Paulin, Paulin' anticipates a comprehensive retrospective at the Centre Pompidou in March. Pictured left to right: Tara Donovan, Pierre Paulin, John De Andrea and Heinz Mack. Photography: Claire Dorn. Copyright Tara Donovan, and Heinz Mack / ADAGP, Paris, 2015. Courtesy 'Paulin, Paulin, Paulin' and Galerie Perrotin
Paulin’s Tapis Siège is oddly echoed by Mike Bouchet's hyperrealist processed cheese triangles melting from a hamburger. Pictured left: Tapis Siège, by Pierre Paulin, 1970. Photography courtesy Julien Oppenheim / Louis Vuitton; right: Fauteuil Iéna and Jardin à la française, by Pierre Paulin, 1987
For longtime Paulin connoisseurs, the main attraction will be his Déclive, an S-curved chaise longue that had only existed in prototype until now. Pictured: Déclive, by Pierre Paulin, 1966. Photography: Christophe Urdain
Table Cathédrale, by Pierre Paulin, 1981. Photography: Christophe Urdain and courtesy of Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
Ensemble Dune debuted last year at a Louis Vuitton-supported solo exhibition in Miami, offering some indication of Paulin’s vision of seating as a larger statement. Pictured: Ensemble Dune, by Pierre Paulin, 1970. Photography: Alberto Zanetti. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
Left: Cobalto a la izquierda, by Jesús Rafael Soto, 1993. Photography: Claire Dorn. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin; right: Square Ruple, by Mike Bouchet, 2015. Photography courtesy Peres Project & Galerie Perrotin
The mise-en-scène of Paulin's Jardin à la française within Auguste Perret’s Palais d’Iena has been recreated in the gallery; here, however, it is punctuated with a Veilhan mobile. Pictured: Mobile n°21, by Xavier Veilhan, 2015. Photography: Claire Dorn. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
From left to right: Pierre Paulin 'La Déclive', 1966 and Bertrand Lavier 'Paulin/Kind', 1992-2015. Photography: Claire Dorn. Copyright: Bertrand Lavier / ADAGP, Paris, 2015. Courtesy Paulin, Paulin, Paulin and Galerie Perrotin
From left: César, Pierre Paulin and John De Andrea. Photogrphy: Claire Dorn. Copyright: César / ADAGP, Paris, 2015. Courtesy Paulin, Paulin, Paulin and Galerie Perrotin
keywords:Galerie Perrotin, Furniture design
在最近一本关于皮埃尔·保林(Pierre Paulin)的专著中,这位法国设计师承认,“我设计了一些过于复杂、没有得到公众任何回应的东西-不管是太早,还是在不痒的地方抓东西。”我.。