milanese gallery hangarbicoccas ambitious new exhibition programme
2013-06-03 15:41
HangarBicocca's new artistic advisor, Vicente Todoli, is set to breathe new life into the contemporary art gallery, housed in a former 1920s industrial complex on the city's edge. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
本周,米兰最大的当代艺术领域受到了一项强有力的计划的冲击,托多利宣布,他三年来将成为汉加比科卡的新艺术顾问。托多利在视觉艺术领域有25年的职业生涯,最近的一次是从2003年到2010年担任伦敦泰特现代艺术公司(Tate现代舞)的导演。托多利为Hangar带来了大量的人才和经验,该项目于2004年开业,自那时起就一直在伦敦的边缘酝酿。托多利被马可·特隆切蒂·普罗韦拉(Marco Tronchetti Provera)、HangerBicoka基金会的Chariman以及目前负责基金会活动的倍耐力(Pirelli)困住了。
9月19日开始,拉格纳·卡亚尔松(RagnarKjart Ansson)的音乐和视频装置被称为“参观者”,随后是迪特尔·罗斯(Dieter Roth)的回顾展;米科尔·阿萨埃尔(Micol Assa L)的装置;西尔多·梅雷莱斯(Cildo Meireles)的个展;佩德罗·佩瓦(Pedro Paiva)和若昂·玛丽亚·古斯芒(Jo O Maria Gusm O)的选集展览;琼·乔纳斯(Joan Jonas)的第一次意大利作品回顾展;塞林·康多雷利(Céline Condorelli)的个@@
Hangar已经从迈克·凯利(Mike Kelly)的“永恒是很长的时间”(Eternity Is A Long Time)开始,这是对这位已故美国艺术家的雕塑、装置和视频的回顾展,目前正在展出到9月8日。
壁纸*:告诉我们你为什么决定不再为博物馆工作了?维森特·托多利:因为我从零开始创建了两个博物馆(瓦伦西亚的IVAM在1980年代中期,Museu Serralves在波尔图,1996年)。它所消耗的精力和精力是难以置信的。我花了18年的时间独自建造收藏品,制作产品、空间、展览、节目。然后在泰特,我必须做所有的筹款,社交和所有的事情,使你远离艺术。有一次,我对自己说,‘艺术在哪里?’
那么,和Hangar Bicoka合作有什么不同呢?当他们走近我时,我说:“太好了,但你必须保证我只处理艺术,你才会执行它。”那我就没事了,因为这是我最喜欢做的事。我喜欢比赛,在球场上,比赛。用球。球是艺术。
Under Todoli's guidance, (pictured), the gallery's programme has been revitalised with a mix of international and Italian players in a series of solo retrospectives specially curated for the Hangar. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
HangarBicocca kicks off a blockbuster three-year programme with Mike Kelley's 'Eternity is a Long Time', a retrospective of the late American artist's sculptures, installations and videos, currently on view through 8 September. © Mike Kelley. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
'Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstruction #1 (A Domestic Scene)', by Mike Kelley, 2000, François Pinault Foundation. © Mike Kelley. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
'A Continuous Screening of Bob Clark's Film 'Porky's' (1981), the Soundtrack of which has been Replaced with Morton Subotnik's Electronic Composition 'The Wild Bull' (1968), and Presented in the Secret Sub-Basement of the Gymnasium Locker Room (Office Cubicles)', by Mike Kelley, 2002, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid. © Mike Kelley. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
'Runway for Interactive DJ Event', by Mike Kelley, 2000, Collezione La Gaia, Busca, Italy. © Mike Kelley. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
'Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstructions #6, 7 (Woods Group)', by Mike Kelley, 2004-2005, Goetz Collection, Monaco. © Mike Kelley. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
'Profondeurs Vertes', by Mike Kelley, 2006, Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts, Los Angeles. © Mike Kelley. Courtesy of Fondazione HangarBicocca. Photography: Agostino Osio
We take a look at the artists being spotlighted in HangarBicocca's future shows... Artist: Ragnar Kjartansson Date: September 2013 Picture: 'The Visitors', 2012. Courtesy of Sammlung Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst. © Ragnar Kjartansson. Photography: Stefan Altenburger Photography, Zurich
Artist: Dieter Roth Date: October 2013 Picture: 'The Floor I', 1973-1992. © Dieter Roth Estate. Courtesy of Hauser & Wirth
Artist: Micol Assaël Date: January 2014 Picture: 'Chizhevsky Lessons', 2007, installation view at Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland. Courtesy of the artist and Zero, Milano. Photography: Serge Hasenböhler
Artist: Cildo Meireles Date: March 2014 Picture: 'Amerikkka', 1991-2013. Courtesy of Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Photography: Joaquín Cortés/ Román Lores
Artist: Pedro Paiva e João Maria Gusmão Date: May 2014 Picture: 'Tortoise and Parrot', 2011. Courtesy of the artists
Artist: Joan Jonas Date: June 2014 Picture: 'Mirror performance I', 1969. Courtesy of the artist and Galleria Raffaella Cortese
Artist: Céline Condorelli Date: September 2014 Picture: 'Additionals (Night Piece)', 2012, installation view, Pavilion, Leeds. Courtesy of the artist
Artist: Juan Muñoz Date: October 2014 Picture: 'Many Times', 1999. Photos © Attilio Maranzano
Artist: Damián Ortega Date: January 2015 Picture: 'Organón 3', 2012. Courtesy of the artist and kurimanzutto, Mexico City
keywords:HangarBicocca, Milan, art, curator, Mike Kelley, Dieter Roth, Pirelli