the first of 12 solo houses is completed in spain
2013-06-17 13:28
Solo Pezo, designed by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Architects, is the first finished residence of the Solo Houses scheme in Spain. Photography: Cristobal Palma
智利执业的佩佐·冯·埃尔里希豪森建筑师刚刚完成了西班牙一处雄心勃勃的住宅开发项目中的第一栋房子。Solo Pezo房产是位于巴塞罗那南部Matarra a的Solo Hies项目的一部分,法国开发商Christian Bourdais希望该项目将成为建筑界的一个参照点。它将加入另外11个创新设计的假日住宅由年轻的国际建筑实践,散落在一个戏剧性的40公顷的地点。
Solo Pezo是一个混凝土建筑高架周围的叶子在一个整体的方形平台。它的主要居住区有着深远的景色,深水池坐落在无屋顶的中央空间中,象征着天空和大地。
接下来的几个设计同样令人兴奋,展示了更多国际年轻实践的才能。Mos Office的设计与地球和周围的橄榄树树林紧密相连,而窦藤本(Sou Fujimoto)的“几何森林”(就像今年的蛇形展馆)则是建筑原始起源的复杂再现。DidierFaustino和MésArchitecture设计了超凡脱俗的Solo Faustino,支持受大爆炸理论启发的失重。这些设计在简单的方法上是统一的,但却会产生吸引人的效果。
这些房屋可能是“独栋屋”项目的开始,因为布尔代正在考虑在土耳其和葡萄牙的地点扩大未来的计划。与此同时,Office KGDVS、Jonston Mark Lee、Studio孟买和TNA的更多设计将很快出现在马塔拉纳的网站上,而单独的Popo开放日(28到6月30日)将提供一个在独木舟里生活的感觉。
The Chilean practice worked in their signature material, concrete, elevating the main body of the house from the ground level. Photography: Cristobal Palma
Lifted above the treeline, the house offers far-reaching views over the natural green landscape of the Matarraña region. Photography: Cristobal Palma
The dramatic house is equipped with a swimming pool and all the comforts of a modern vacation home. Photography: Cristobal Palma
A rendering of Solo Faustino, designed for the Solo Houses scheme by Paris-based architect Didier Faustino and his office, Bureau des Mesarchitectures
The design is inspired by the Big Bang theory
Solo Faustino will offer framed views of the stunning landscape south of Barcelona
Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto's design for the Solo Houses project
Fujimoto has conceived the house as a 'geometric forest'
New York practice MOS has designed Solo MOS for an olive grove site in the Matarraña plot
Solo MOS will comprise four identical L-shaped structures
keywords:Solo Houses, Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Spain, spanish architecture, chilean architecture, sou fujimoto, architecture, design, concrete architecture
智利执业的佩佐·冯·埃尔里希豪森建筑师刚刚完成了西班牙一处雄心勃勃的住宅开发项目中的第一栋房子。Solo Pezo房产是位于巴塞罗那南部Matarra a的Solo Hies项目的一部分,法国开发商.