the changing face of tijuanas art and architecture landscape
2013-07-24 15:42
Among the slew of bold new buildings and cultural initiatives in Tijuana is the Modulo Prep Library, nicknamed ‘Las Casa de las Ideas’, designed by CRO studio
参与艺术节的一些艺术家,如佩特拉·科特赖特和法比奥拉·托雷斯-阿尔扎加,是从特纳的画廊名册中挑选出来的;其他一些艺术家,比如纽约客亚伦·奥杰拉,则是因为他们与展览的建筑主题有关而被挑选出来的。新的人才包括正在出现的洛杉矶的声音艺术家泰勒亚当斯和蒂瓦南街头艺术家协会。所有展览都展示了新的作品,其中一些作品,如Pablo Rasgado的安装“Anulación”,是专门委托的。在小镇对面的Casags,Rasgado在一家废弃的药房里密封了门窗,把大楼改造成了一个巨大的、特定地点的雕塑。
与阿特·巴哈·蒂华纳(ArtBaja TiWarner)一起,一次美食和建筑之旅带领我们参观了整个城市的著名建筑。第一站是CECUT的惊人延伸-由Eugenio Velázquez于2008年设计的Centro文化蒂华纳。中央IMAX电影院的巨大球体,建于近30年前,已经成为该市的标志性建筑之一,旁边还有200英尺高的钢拱门(这座拱门是美国圣路易斯网关拱门的复制品),是为庆祝千年而建造的。
贫穷的卡米诺-维德社区尤其受到帮派暴力的困扰。由拉蒙·吉洛(Ramón Guillot)设计的一个新社区中心和CRO工作室的获奖数字图书馆“Casa de LasIdeas”,都位于两个帮派领地之间的填海土地上,毗邻一个新的公园、户外健身房和溜冰公园。
在经济光谱的另一端是Guillot的14层办公楼,通过CysAvivo。这是下加利福尼亚州第一个LEED认证的“绿色”大楼,还包含了蒂华纳著名厨师Javier Plascencia经营的高端餐厅MISION 19。美食、建筑和艺术之间的婚姻承诺推动蒂华纳的未来,随着新的商业开放,艺术博览会提高了其知名度和烹饪帝国——比如PcCasCIA——继续增长。
Deliberately open to its surroundings, Modulo Prep Library's pristine white walls have yet to be tagged in an area plagued by graffiti
An aerial view of Modulo Prep Library
Jorge Gracia, one of the city's most exciting architects, designed Casa GS for his brother on a plot of undeveloped land with sweeping views. Board-formed concrete contrasts with the rusted steel siding of the building
Casa GS is a typical Gracia building in that it deliberately ignores the aesthetic of its surroundings; ‘I don’t care about what happened before,’ says the architect. The house served as the main exhibition space for Art Baja Tijuana
A mural by Tijuanan street artist PANCA, specially commissioned for Art Baja Tijuana, occupies an interior wall in Casa GS
This other mural by PANCA has been painted directly onto the scraps of waste wood that were left over from the construction of Casa GS
In the basement of Casa GS, sound artist Tyler Adams played amplified frequencies through furniture, making it move across the floor as it vibrated
The roof of Via Corporativo has a ‘walk and talk’ track, inspired by the Michael J. Fox film ‘The Secret of My Success’
The Camino Verde community centre, designed by Ramón Guillot, is built on reclaimed land over a canal that runs along the bottom of a canyon
Rival gang members, from opposing sides of the canyon, now meet to take their kids to dance classes at the Camino Verde community centre
At the other end of the economic spectrum is Ramón Guillot’s 14-floor office building, VIA Corporativo. It is Baja California's first LEED-certified, 'green' building. One side of VIA Corporativo is convex, to repel the hot inland Santa Ana winds, while the opposite side is concave, to harness the cooling ocean breezes
A huge vertical cavity rises from the 4th floor to the roof, allowing light and air to reach inside the building
Water runs over black basalt steps at the entrance to the Culinary Art School by Jorge Gracia. The building is an enclosed sanctuary for study and discussion
The floor of a cool basement conference and dining room in the Culinary Art School is formed from loose black gravel
Chef Javier Plascencia’s flagship restaurant Mision 9 is surrounded by windows, so diners can never forget they are in Tijuana
'Telar', by Tania Candiani, an installation from the 'Teoría de la Entropía' exhibition, curated by Bárbara Perea, on show in El Cubo, which occupies part of the CECUT (Centro Cultural Tijuana) building
keywords:Tijuana, architecture, Steve Turner, Tyler Adams, PANCA, creative class, Jorge Gracia, Ramon Guillot