a tour of close closer the 2013 lisbon architecture triennale
2013-09-18 13:13
The Lisbon Architecture Triennale's performance programme, New Publics, is taking place on a stage in Praça da Figueira. Photography: Catarina Botelho
举办一个没有建筑的建筑节对任何组织者来说都是一个令人畏惧的前景。然而,这正是今年在里斯本举行的题为“紧密,更接近”的建筑三层协议(Architecture Triennale)勇敢地提供的东西。
其中三个是展览,由作家和策展人Dani Admist策划,由意大利集体Fabrica设计,专注于建筑研究所的作用。加利利说:“从一开始,我就对我想要谈论的东西有了一个相当清晰的概念:所有其他形式的建筑实践。”“学院效应是关于那些为我们理解建筑的人。”该节目与来自美国和墨西哥等地的12家机构合作,在艺术节期间举办了一系列活动。
与此同时,由葡萄牙建筑师马里亚娜·佩斯塔纳(Mariana Pestana)策划的“真实和其他小说”(Real And Other Fictions)借鉴了该市的历史地标之一-帕拉西奥·庞巴尔(Palacio Pombal),重新审视了它的空间,并重新设想了它在一系列引发辩论和参与的设施中的
艺术节的第四站,新公众,是一个由何塞·埃斯帕萨·冲崔(JoséEspasza Chong Cuy)监督的公共表演节目。这包括从1977年开始,由西班牙建筑师安德烈斯·亚克和政治创新办公室对查尔斯和雷·埃姆斯的“十的权力”纪录片进行了创造性的重新想象,名为“十的超能力”。加利利解释说:“我们想要一个更传统的会议形式的替代方案,用于我们的公共项目。”结果是里斯本市中心的弗里达·埃斯科贝多设计了一个圆形的公民舞台,任何人都可以申请使用。
许多规模较小的担保节目遍布全城,其中许多是由Triennale的“小赠款计划:危机破坏者”(Small Grants Program:Crisis Buster)资助的,该项目向跨学科团队-包括总部位于巴黎的集体Exyzt-发放了一笔小额资金Triennale团队公开的目标是专注于年轻的实践,而不是老一套的做法,尽管在许多互动项目中,有几个当地机构正在与国际同行对话,但他们的团队主要包括非葡萄牙人的参与。
里斯本丰富的城市和自然景观也提供了一些美丽的场所,这些地方同样值得一游;一家有地下拱顶的老银行,容纳了城市的设计博物馆和研究所效应;电力博物馆和未来完美位于一座古老的工业发电厂里;令人震惊但却被忽视的帕拉西奥庞巴尔(Palacio Pombal)-真实和其他虚构的家园-坐落于此。在这个城市最好的街区之一,巴里奥阿尔托,在过去,除了其他用途,作为住所和大使馆。
The programme, overseen by Jose Espanza, includes a creative re-imagining of Charles and Ray Eames' Powers of Ten documentary from 1977. Photography: Jorge Lopez Conde
Called SuperPowers of Ten, the play was created by Spanish architect Andres Jaque and his team, The Office of Political Innovation. Photography: Jorge Lopez Conde
The Museum of Design is playing host to the Institute Effect, an exhibition focusing on the role of architecture institutes from around the world. The show is curated by Dani Admiss. Photography: Lukes Hayes
The Future Perfect exhibition, curated by designer, critic and curator Liam Young, includes installations and performances by international designers, such as Bart Hess, whose work is pictured here. Photography: Lukes Hayes
Future Perfect offers an experimental look into the future of architecture, highlighting the relationship between architecture and technology. This futuristic landscape is by Marshmallow Laser Feast, from the UK. Photography: Lukes Hayes
Housed in the impressive Electricity Museum of Lisbon, Future Perfect includes everything from models to film and dance performances. Photography: Lukes Hayes
The Real and Other Fictions exhibition, orchestrated by Portuguese architect Mariana Pestana, takes its cue from one of the city's historical landmarks, the Palacio Pombal, revisiting its spaces and re-imagining its past uses in a series of installations that incite debate and participation. Pictured, is the work of Noam Toran and Onkar Kular. Photography: Catarina Botelho
An installation in Palacio Pombal by Paulo Moreira and Kiluanji Kia Henda. Photography: Catarina Botelho
The installations act like interventions in various rooms in the palace. This room, devised by Alex Schweder, currently features an inflatable floor. Photography: Catarina Botelho
All of the rooms in The Real and Other Fictions are interactive. This space is by Friendly Fire. Photography: Catarina Botelho
One of Palacio Pombal's rooms, devised by Center for Genomic Gastronomy, is set up as a dining space and will host dinners and debates in the next few days of the festival. Photography: Catarina Botelho
Another room, by Zuloark, is set up as a 'parliament' room, which visitors are encouraged to use for debate and exchange of ideas. Photography: Catarina Botelho
keywords:architecture, design, Lisbon, portugal, architecture festivals, architecture triennale, portuguese architecture, beatrice galilee
举办一个没有建筑的建筑节对任何组织者来说都是一个令人畏惧的前景。然而,这正是今年在里斯本举行的题为“紧密,更接近”的建筑三层协议(Architecture Triennale)勇敢地提供的东西。尽管可能会引起分歧.