astley castle by witherford watson mann wins the 2013 riba stirling prize
2013-09-27 09:47
A holiday home built from the ruins of the 12th-century Astley Castle in Warwickshire has been awarded the prestigious RIBA Stirling Prize
该项目击败了今年7月公布的六人入围名单,其中包括谢菲尔德公园山(第一期)由霍金斯\布朗与埃格特·韦斯特工作室重新设计;艾莉森·布鲁克斯建筑师(Alison Brooks Architect)在埃塞克斯的纽霍尔(Newhall Be)住房开发项目;纽尔·麦克劳林建筑师(Niall McLaughlin Architect)的爱德华·金主教(The Bishop Edward Chapel);北爱尔兰伟大的巨人队铜锣湾游客中心(Giant‘s Causeway Visitor Centre)。
评委-建筑师斯蒂芬·霍德(Stephen Hodder)、希拉·奥唐奈(Sheila O‘Donnell)和保罗·威廉姆斯(Paul Williams)、记者汤姆·戴克霍夫(Tom Dyckhoff)和克莱尔·杜菲尔德基金会(Clore Duffield Foundation)主席维维安·达@@这个奖项是在伦敦国王十字车站的圣马丁中心举行的颁奖典礼上宣布的。
阿斯特利城堡将与去年的获奖者斯坦顿·威廉姆斯(Stanton Williams)的圣斯伯里实验室(Sainsbury Lab)一起,跻身著名的获奖设计名单,以及伊芙琳·格雷斯学院(Evelyn Grace Academy)和罗马的马二十一博物馆(MAXXI Museum),这两座博物馆都
The winning London-based architects Witherford Watson Mann, built a two-storey residence within the castle, which has been left ruined since the 1970s
New clay bricks and laminated wood beams were brought in juxtaposition with the old sandstone masonry
The architects added new windows throughout the structure to bring light into the dark ground floor, while an oak staircase leads upstairs to re-imagined living spaces
Contemporary furnishings make the space liveable, even in the oldest rooms of the house
Vast windows fitted into the crumbling walls create sight-lines to the ruins
The vast new home sleeps eight
keywords:stirling prize, contemporary architecture