natural order superlimo studios honeycomb like showroom for estar mveis in so paulo
2014-01-09 12:53
Architecture firm SuperLimão Studio makes a grand statement in metal, with hundreds of honeycomb-like panels encasing the façade of Estar Móveis' freshly unveiled furniture store in São Paulo
要想在阿拉米达·加布里埃尔·蒙泰罗·达席尔瓦(Alameda Gabriel Monteiro Da Silva)这个看似无穷无尽的家具展厅、陈列室和精品店中脱颖而出,对任何一个室内装饰品牌来说都是一个很高的要求。这些家具展厅和精品店穿过了圣保罗杰迪姆·但是Estar Móveis正是这样做的,这要归功于当地建筑公司SuperLim o Studio设计的一家新旗舰店。
我们第一次把聚光灯聚焦在SuperLim o上,因为它翻修了开创性的设计商店Firma Casa(见W*157),用成千上万个悬挂的花瓶制作了一个“活生生的外墙”,花瓶里装满了被称为圣乔治之剑的本土植物。在埃斯塔尔·莫维斯(Estar Móveis)的新陈列室里,建筑师们又用金属做了一次声明,这次是用数百块蜂窝状的面板,全都涂上了光滑的灰色火枪。颜色,加上战略放置的六角形薄板的穿孔版本创造了一个迷人的视觉效果,使这是我们目前最喜欢的结构在这条至关重要的地带。
ESTAR M.VIEIS的产品是一个高端的迷人的,当代的作品,由著名的巴西设计师,如Jader Almeida,Marcelo Ligieri和Renata Moura,以及自己的专线。ESTAR在商业上已经有超过60年的历史,并在市场上建立了一个有价值的声誉,汇集了质量,风格和合理的定价-尤其是因为艺术家Felipe Morozini加入了创意总监。这一大胆的新零售空间将在雅达姆欧罗巴附近美化公司。
The perforated hexagonal panels allow for transparency while protecting the interiors from the harsh tropical sun
The entry area of the Estar Móveis store, which spans two floor and is a blend of rough and refined finishes. Pictured in the foreground is a chair and ottoman by Renata Moura
The ground floor showroom features sofas, tables and stools by Estar Móveis, and chairs and a wall mirror by Marcelo Ligieri
Upstairs, Maurício Arruda's 'Tereza' lamp hangs above the staircase. A leather and cumarú wood bench by Paulo Alves in the foreground complements the eclectic selection of chairs by Jader Almeida and other designers in the background
The rooftop skylight allows plenty of natural light to filter in, further ushered to the ground floor through a glass floor section
SuperLimão Studio refashioned doors from a cargo container to create a functional wall that can be opened...
...allowing for the delivery of oversized items to the second floor from the outside of the building
keywords:Estar Moveis, design, product design, SuperLimão, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brazilian architecture, brazilian design
关键词:ESTAR Moveis,设计,产品设计,SuperLim o,巴西圣保罗,巴西建筑,巴西设计