soho house opens a new workspace in east londons iconic tea building
2015-12-16 14:54
Soho Works, the new creative workspace from Soho House & Co, has opened within 16,000 sq ft of vacant space in East London's Tea Building
平均每周一天,走进伦敦会员俱乐部Shoreditch House,从酒吧到转乒乓球桌的工作站,穿过餐厅,再到后面的休息室,到处都是打开的笔记本电脑(总是,但永远是笔记本电脑)的钢铁灰色,肩膀弯着,手指轻敲,脸轻轻地靠在屏幕上。只有在屋顶的游泳池里才是笔记本电脑,而不是搭圈的(SOHO House的母舰仍然更快乐一些)。
这是一个新的自由职业创意经济的关键地点,总是尖锐的吸收,SOHO豪斯集团现在已经打开了一个新的合作概念,SOHO工厂。几年前,这群人在Shoreditch House的家茶楼里占据了空置的空间,但没有明确的计划。当更多的空间出现,总面积为1.6万平方英尺时,它决定为现代移动创意和那些寻求更永久空间的人创造一个适当的、全面服务的工作环境。
明年春天,SOHO工厂的一个占地2.4万平方英尺的伊斯坦布尔分厂将在Akaretler区的五栋改造后的城镇房屋中开业,而一家占地22,000平方英尺的洛杉矶分店将在日落大道上的一座世纪中叶写字楼开业。该集团还将于2017年春季在克莱肯威尔(Clerkenwell)开设一家面积4万平方英尺的SOHO工厂,配有健身房、剪裁室和放映室;该公司计划在当年晚些时候在芝加哥富尔顿市场区(Fulton Market District)开设一个类似规模的空间,其中包括一家屋顶酒吧和一家餐厅。它还在寻找其他伦敦地点,以及曼彻斯特和更远的地方。
With Shoreditch House turning into a hotspot for Macbook-tapping creatives, a larger, dedicated workspace was required
As well as more flexible membership options like hot-desking, individuals can secure a permanent desk place, and small businesses can opt for a permanent office space for up to ten workers
Along with the stylishly designed communal areas, workspaces includes traditional library-esque desk booths
... as well as more intimate carels for meetings and private phonecalls
The kitchen provides a comfortable commmunal space for members to make their own meals during work breaks
Along with a fully equipped workshop, the space also includes a photo-studio and post-production facilities, allowing for a diversity of creative industries to benefit
As well as looking for further locations in London to meet the demands of a fit-to-burst freelance economy, Soho Works will be opening spaces in Chicago, Istanbul and LA
keywords:London design
平均每周一天步行到伦敦会员俱乐部Shoreditch House,从酒吧到转乒乓球桌的工作站,穿过餐厅,再到后面的休息室,到处都是打开的笔记本电脑的灰白色(总有,但也有.)。