the riba london winners for 2014 are revealed

2014-05-07 15:28
2014's RIBA London Building of the Year went to Saw Swee Hock Student Centre designed by O'Donnell + Tuomey Architects. Photography: Dennis Gilbert
RIBA的地区奖项是首都年度建筑日历中令人兴奋的时刻,人们普遍认为,这是对今年晚些时候公布的更为热切期待的RIBA Stirling奖的暗示,我们有不止一个理由来为今年的获奖者盛宴。
这33个获奖项目涵盖了规模较小的工程,包括私人住宅,以及大型开发项目,如伦佐·皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)的“碎片”(Shard)和伦敦水上运动中心扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)。173个项目导致64项建筑提名,其中包括商业、教育和社区、艺术
颁奖典礼上的特殊奖项是一个重要的时刻。O‘Donnell Tuomey建筑事务所为伦敦经济学院设立的Saw Swee Hock学生中心获得了年度RIBA伦敦建筑的最高荣誉。更多的获奖者包括RCKa,他被授予年度最佳建筑师奖;Caruso St John(与英国遗产协会合作)因其在Tate British Millbank项目的工作获得了保护奖;6a获得了树屋私人住宅小项目奖。
最后,总部位于伦敦的豪沃思汤普金斯(Haworth Tompkins)凭借其在英国首都的众多高质量项目,将著名的伦敦年度最佳建筑师龚如龙带回家。这些项目包括引人注目的项目,如国家剧院的棚子和维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的服装工人中心。
Haworth Tompkins won the RIBA London Architect of the Year Award for projects including the V&A's Clothworkers' Centre for the conservation of textiles and fashion. Photography: Philip Vile
The Shed, also by Haworth Tompkins. Photography: Philip Vile
The London Library, by Haworth Tomkins. Photography: Philip Vile
TBG Youth and Community Centre by RCKa won the RIBA London Emerging Architect of the Year Award. Photography: Jakob Spriestersbach
The RIBA London English Heritage Award for Preserving the Historic Environment went to the Tate Britain Millbank project by Caruso St John Architects. Photography: Helene Binet
The RIBA London Small Projects Award went to 6a Architects for Tree House. Photography: 6a Architects
Hopkins Architects won the London Sustainability Award for the Brent Civic Centre. Photography: Morley von Sternberg
The RIBA London Client of the Year Award went to London Borough of Hackney Local Education Partnership with Mouchel Babcock for The Garden School by Gollifer Langston Architects. Photography: Timothy Soar
dRMM Architects won an award in the Housing category for WoodBlock House. Photography: Alex DeRijke
Alison Brooks Architects also won an award in the Housing category for Lens House. Photography: Paul Riddle  
Jamie Fobert Architects won an award in the Housing category for Luker House. Photography: Olivier Hess
Henning Strummel Architects won an award in the Housing category for The Workshop. Photography: Luke Caulfield
vPPR Architects similarly won an award in the Housing category for Otts Yard in North London. Photography: Helene Binet
Maccreanor Lavington won an award in the Housing category for Saxon Court and Roseberry Mansions. Photography: David Grandorge
David Chipperfield Architects won an award in the Commercial category for One Pancras Square. Photography: Mattias Kunz
DSDHA also won an award in the Commerical category for Alex Monroe Studio, Snowsfields. Photography: Dennis Gilbert
Amin Taha Architects similarly won an award in the Commerical category for Golden Lane. Photography: Timothy Soar
Julian Harrap Architects LLP won an award in the Commercial category for High Street 2012 - Historic Building Conservation Scheme. Photography: Dennis Gilbert
Also awarded in the Commercial category was Pascall + Watson & Jacobs' Blackfriars Station redevelopment. Photography: Justin Piperger
John McAslan + Partners won an award in the Commerical category for the King's Cross Station redevelopment. Photography: Hufton Crow
Jestico + Whiles also won an award in the Commercial category for the Thameslink Programme - Borough Viaduct Project. Photography: Adam Parker
The Renzo Piano Building Workshop won an award in the Commerical category for The Shard. Photography: Michel Denance
Penoyre & Prasad won an award in the Education and Community category for the Sir Ludwig Guttmann Health and Wellbeing building. Photography: Anthony Coleman
Hayhurt and Co.'s Pegasus Academy won an award in the Education and Community category. Photography: Kiliano Sullivan
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios also won an award in the Education and Community category for Drapers Academy. Photography: Timothy Soar
Duggan Morris Architects won an award in the Education and Community category for Ortus. Photography: Jack Hob
Walters & Cohen Architects won an award in the Education and Community category for The Arts Centre at The Lady Eleanor Holles School. Photography: Dennis Gilbert
Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands won an award in the Arts and Leisure category for JW3. Photography: Hufton and Crow
Zaha Hadid Architects also won an award in the Arts and Leisure category for the London Aquatics Centre. Photography: Hufton Crow
David Walker Architects won an award in the Arts and Leisure category for Milton Court, The Heron. Photography: Timothy Soar
Hawkins/Brown won an award in the Arts and Leisure category for Oily Cart. Photography: Tim Crocker
Allies and Morrison won an award in the Arts and Leisure category for Rambert. Photography: Nick Guttridge
keywords:RIBA London winners 2014
RIBA的地区奖项是首都年度建筑日历中令人兴奋的时刻,人们普遍认为这是对今年晚些时候公布的更为热切期待的RIBA Stirling奖的暗示,我们有不止一个理由.




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