haworth tompkins gives a glass and steel update to the brutalist chichester festival theatre
2014-07-17 09:46
The Chichester Festival Theatre reopened last weekend with a bold new update by London architects Haworth Tompkins
在过去的十年里,奇切斯特已经超越了其地区剧院的起源,产生了屡获殊荣的西区转会,因此很明显,该组织需要更多的存储空间和办公室。霍沃思·汤普金斯(Haworth Thompkins)最近被提名为利物浦新的人人剧院(Everyman)的设计人员,并获得斯特林奖(Stirling Prize)提名。汤普金斯说:“我们喜欢残酷混凝土的韧性和钢的韧性之间的关系。”后者将成为一个更隐秘的表面,巧克力色阴影版的原始建筑。
为了增加聚集空间,建筑师打开了门厅,有两个双高的玻璃延伸,突出到周围的景观。伦敦艺术家安东尼·马林诺夫斯基(Antoni Malinowski)创作的两幅手绘天花板壁画,补充了室内的几何图形,并将室内与新的景观场地联系起来。
The architects took a hatchet to the piecemeal extensions added over the years and opened up interior walls to allow natural light to travel through the space
To boost the gathering spaces, the foyer was opened up with two double-height glazed extensions. One houses the café
They also opened up the interior staircase...
... so that navigating the multilevel theatre is easier
To create more space for set-storage, offices and backstage areas, Haworth Thompkins designed an extension clad in Cor-ten steel, with vertical slats that echo the interior detail
The original hexagonal theatre was built by brutalists Powell & Moya in 1962
keywords:theatre design, chichester festival theatre, haworth tompkins architects, contemporary architecture
上周末,当奇切斯特音乐节剧院重新开幕时,伦敦建筑公司豪沃思·汤普金斯(Haworth Tompkins)推出了大胆的、全新的影集,它的争议不亚于它最初的化身。第一座建筑于1962年与一位现代主义者在一起.