the barbicans latest show opens the doors to artists cabinets of curiosities
2015-02-12 17:33
Installation view of ‘Magnificent Obsessions: The Artist as Collector’, currently on show at the Barbican Art Gallery in London. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid
安迪沃霍尔似乎收集了媚俗陶瓷,如丹Vō,通过马丁王。在棚屋里。达米恩·赫斯特(Damien Hirst)和彼得·布莱克(Peter Blake)都对动物标本有兴趣,他们当然有,而且越奇怪越好。赫斯特的收藏包括一只1912年在威尔士出生的两具尸体的兔子,而布莱克的则包括一只头上有腿的羔羊和其他混合动物标本。
这个节目并非没有回报。由美国设计师韦拉·诺依曼(Vera Neumann)设计的1,000条围巾的Pae White系列至少是一个合适的系列,重点突出,而且是一种明显的激情。在19世纪绅士科学家/探险家的传统中,杉本弘(HiroshiSugimoto)是一位杰出的收藏家,他寄来了18世纪法国和日本的解剖版画和书籍。
正如你所预料的,马丁·帕尔收集的明信片很有趣,正如吉姆·肖(JimShaw)扔掉的旧货商店画的展示一样。而Hanne Darboven从汉堡的家中运来的东西是最棒的垃圾商店。但这还远远不够。顺便说一句,这个展览是由总部位于伦敦的dyvik kahlen建筑事务所设计的,尽管这个设计只是偶尔会很明显。
也许只是强迫症的折磨是比较大的。去年在蛇形的萨克勒画廊里,马蒂诺·甘珀(Martino Gamper)的“设计是一种精神状态”(Design Is A Mind StateofMind)与去年在蛇纹石的萨克勒画廊(Sackler甘珀的展览感觉更加积极和创造性策划和每一个系列有不同的提供,独特的洞察力。也许设计师只是对他们的对象更聪明,收集更聪明的东西。
The exhibition explores the personal collection of contemporary artists, including Damien Hirst (whose eerie assortment of skulls and taxidermy is pictured here), Edmund de Waal, Sol LeWitt, Martin Parr, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Andy Warhol and more. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
Hirst's display of medical models highlights his strong interest in the human body. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
Peter Blake's offering reveals a mutual admiration for taxidermy, with grotesque items such as a lamb with a leg on his head and other hybrid-taxidermy. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
There are a few pieces by the artists thrown in to offer context. Pictured is 'from the collection of a private man', by Edmund de Waal, 2011. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
It seems that Andy Warhol has collected kitsch ceramics (in the form of cookie jars)... has Danh Vō, via Martin Wong, and by the shed load. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
Pae White’s collection of 1,000 scarves by American designer Vera Neumann is focused and the result of an obvious passion. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
Hiroshi Sugimoto, an extraordinary collector in the tradition of the 19th century gentleman scientist/explorer, has sent 18th century French and Japanese anatomical prints and books. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
Sol LeWitt's display is fine, featuring Japanese prints he picked while serving in Korea with the US army. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
The display takes a lighthearted turn with Martin Parr's personal collection of space dog memorabilia. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
The documentary photographer's collection of postcards is fun, as you would expect... is Jim Shaw's display of thrown away thrift store paintings. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
Hanne Darboven’s haul from the family home in Hamburg is the most fabulous junk store. Photography: Peter MacDiarmid for Getty Images
keywords:gallery, art, exhibition, london, barbican centre, ceramics, taxidermy