odonnell tuomey are honoured with the 2015 riba gold medal
2015-02-03 17:04
A highlight of the practice's recent work includes LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre, London. Photography: Sheila O'Donnell
昨晚,爱尔兰建筑实践家O‘Donnell Tuomey在伦敦学院总部举行的仪式上获得了著名的2015年RIBA金奖。这使得都柏林和科克的实践总监希拉·奥唐奈(Sheila O‘Donnell)和约翰·托米(John Tuomey)成为该奖项最年轻的获奖者之一,也是为数不多的爱尔兰人之一。
此次活动的主要内容包括最近在伦敦举办的LSE Sewe Hock学生中心和摄影师画廊,到德里的爱尔兰语言文化中心,以及合作伙伴的母国的几家私人住宅。
The sweeping curves of the Student Centre's staircase. Photography: Alex Bland
The development's brick-clad exterior. Photography: Alex Bland
A model of the LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre. Photography: Millimium Models
LSE Saw Swee Hock Student Centre, London. Photography: Dennis Gilbert
Another of the firm's projects: the Lyric Theatre, Belfast. Photography: Sheila O'Donnell
The practice aims to balance landscape, formal composition and interior architecture. An exterior shot of the Lyric Theatre. Photography: D Gilbert
Geometric wooden panelling dominates the Lyric Theatre. Photography: D Gilbert
Originally founded in Dublin in 1988, the Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School (pictured), is one of the firm's local projects. Photography: Alice Clancy
An interior shot of the Irish Language Cultural Centre, Derry. Photography: D Gilbert
The Irish Language Cultural Centre, Derry. Photography: D Gilbert
A rendering of the Irish Language Cultural Centre. Photography: Sheila O'Donnell
'Ideas and methods pile up,' said partner Sheila O'Donnell at Monday's RIBA Gold Medal Lecture. 'Nothing is wasted.' Pictured: An interior shot of Irish Language Cultural Centre. Photography: D Gilbert
This award makes practice directors Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey, two of the youngest recipients ever to be part of the honour and some of the few Irish ones to have done so. Pictured: Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork. Photography: Alice Clancy
Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork. Photography: Alice Clancy
The entrance of the Lewis Glucksman Gallery. Photography: Alice Clancy
keywords:O'Donnell + Tuomey, irish architecture, 2015 RIBA Gold Medal, architecture awards, architecture
关键词:O‘Donnell Tuomey,爱尔兰建筑学,2015年RIBA金奖,建筑学奖
昨晚,爱尔兰建筑实践家O‘Donnell Tuomey在伦敦学院总部举行的仪式上获得了著名的2015年RIBA金奖。这使得都柏林和科克的实习主任希拉·奥唐纳.