palm springs modernism week 2015 the coachella valleys mid century mecca comes of age
2015-02-25 16:33
After ten days of home tours, seminars and poolside cocktail parties, the tenth edition of Palm Springs Modernism Week drew to a close on Sunday. Photography: David A. Lee
在棕榈泉现代派周(PalmSprings现代派周)常见的令人艳羡的家庭巡回演出和泳池边鸡尾酒会中,今年还出现了一些令人兴奋的首映和开场白。新棕榈泉艺术博物馆建筑和设计中心的到来是为期10天的年度建筑节的一个特别亮点。该项目位于上世纪60年代由E·斯图尔特·威廉姆斯(E.Stewart Williams)设计的一栋银行大楼里,由洛杉矶建筑师马莫尔·拉德扎纳(Marmol Radziner)负责监督。他巧妙的干预措施确保了新旧建筑之间的和谐平衡,比如水磨石地板和可移动的阳极化铝防晒霜都经过了精心修复。
事实上,自从上世纪90年代中期棕榈泉的许多奇迹被重新发掘以来,人们一直对该市的建筑遗产感兴趣,这得益于早期的翻修项目,比如Marmol Radziner 1993年修复理查德·中性(Richard中性)1947年的考夫曼住宅(Kaufmann House)。这个项目激起了国家和国际的兴趣,并开启了一个复兴的时期,20年后仍在蓬勃发展,现在由今年庆祝其成立10周年的现代主义周为先锋。马摩尔回忆道:“这只是一个被遗忘的小社区,到处都是尘土飞扬的旧建筑,经济也一团糟。”“观看过渡真是太棒了。”
随着现代主义周每年的收入估计达到1700万美元,这座城市正在吸引新一代的有影响力的人和创意人员,他们选择将他们的时间和金钱投资于棕榈泉充满活力的酒店业。在过去的一年里,出生于多伦多的摄影师兼企业家詹姆·科瓦尔(Jaime Koal)推出了三家合资企业,其中包括阿马多(Amado)-一个由5家精品度假租赁单元组成的集合-一家咖啡店和一家Tiki酒吧,都位于棕榈泉(Palm Springs)的住宅区,面向年轻一代的设计精英游客。
“这真的是棕榈泉的新面孔,它是非常需要的,”科瓦尔在谈到这座城市新一轮时髦的招待选择时说。她告诉我们:“经济在过去几年里有所回升,但房地产价格仍然比洛杉矶便宜得多。”像Coachella这样的节日正在吸引新的观众,像Ace这样的酒店正在吸引来自洛杉矶、拉斯维加斯和圣地亚哥的创意人员。所有这些都是积木,随着时间的推移,这些积木在文化、社会和经济上塑造了我们现在所处的位置。随着AC万豪酒店(AC Marriott)将于2017年开业,金普顿酒店(Kimpton Hotel)将于2016年春季开业,以及备受期待的“抵达”酒店-开发商约翰·韦斯曼(John Wessmen)与建筑师克里斯·帕尔多(Chris Pardo)合作-将于今年晚些时候推出,棕榈泉的建筑投资似乎终于得到了回报。
As well as its 10th anniversary, Modernism Week 2015 celebrated the opening of the new Palm Springs Art Museum Architecture and Design Center. Photography: David Glomb
The new museum is housed in a former 1960s bank building designed by E. Stewart Williams and carefully restored by Marmol Radziner. Photography: David Glomb
Chris Menrad's William Krisel-designed home, the Menrad House, in Twin Palms played host to a remarkable exhibition by young Australian photographer Tom Blachford
Blachford's 'Midnight Modern' series features Palm Springs' iconic homes photographed by moonlight. Photography: Tom Blachford
The long exposure photographs were originally taken in secret but after reaching out to Menrad, who is also the president of Palm Springs Modern Committee, Blachford was granted unprecedented access to the community's homes including the notoriously hard-to-access Kaufmann Desert House, pictured. Photography: Tom Blachford
Taking advantage of Palm Springs' minimal light pollution and cloudless skies, each of the 26 vivid shots took Blachford between one and four minutes to capture. Photography: Tom Blachford
The series includes moonlit photographs of the Menrad House, pictured, where the exhibition took place. Photography: Tom Blachford
Each year, Palm Springs Modernism Week sees residents open up the doors to their homes for the event's 45,000 visitors. The home tours are a mix of new builds (with developers hoping for a quick sale) and lovingly restored and lived-in homes such as this Hugh Kaptur-designed residence
Hugh Kaptur's homes are distinguished by their fortress-like facades counterbalanced with rear walls of floor-to-ceiling glass
One of the most impressive new builds was KUD Development's first-ever repro of an original Joseph Eichler house
Originally designed by Claude Oakland in the 1960s, it's rumoured this house sold in just seven hours. Eight more Eichler homes are planned for the Palm Springs area
Built in 1956 by local contractor Sam Pascal in the 1947 Trousdales Development this 1950s home has few alterations
Part of the original build, a yellow brick indoor barbecue is built into the living room - a feature that proved to be less successful
The kitchen retains many of its original fittings and is furnished with carefully-sourced vintage pieces
The bedroom in the 1956 residence
Opened in 2014, local entrepreneur Jaime Kowal's Amado complex offers boutique accommodation for contemporary travellers. Photography: Jaime Kowal
Located just minutes from downtown Palm Springs, The Amado sanctuary boasts five luxury suites nestled within a private courtyard with a heated pool, mature citrus trees and ample lounging space. Photography: Jaime Kowal
The exuberant hyperbolic paraboloid roof of Albert Frey's gas station is a perfect demonstration of the innovations in engineering technology that were taking place in Palm Springs' architectural heyday
The week's festivities include a Vintage Travel Trailer Show. Photography: Gregg Felsen
keywords:Palm Spings Modernism Week, Festival, Architecture