firmship fs 42 by studio job
2011-02-15 14:24
Studio Job founders Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel stand aboard the Firmship FS 42, which was created as a personal vessel for Moooi founder Casper Vissers but will act as a blueprint for further designs
安特卫普的工作室工作对设计中的“功能”概念有着长期的反感。在为Moooi、Bisazza和RoyalTichelaar Makkum这样的公司打造华丽的作品时,任何由此产生的“有用性”都是偶然的。因此,发现它是一艘船-一种精密工程,它的装饰品通常远远从属于实用性,这有点令人吃惊。但当Moooi创始人CasperVissers邀请创始人JobSmet和NynkeTynagel处理他自己的私人船只时,他们无法抗拒。Smet说:“我们工作室里的男人们都很兴奋,因为他们最终能完成一些有功能的工作。”“如果由我们来决定,我们会把船放在远离水的基座上-但它不是,现在它就在荷兰海岸以外的某个地方。”Vissers是设计师的私人朋友,也是他们作品的大收藏家,他只是想要一艘他可以和家人一起使用的容器-后来他想到把Firmship打造成一个成熟的品牌。他用42英尺高的船壳接近设计师们,这是由航海建筑师威廉·尼兰创造的。室内设计的目的是创造一个非常舒适的空间,注入一种温暖而诱人的奢华感,而不是像Smet所说的“维多利亚·贝克汉姆奢华”。为此,工作室使用柚木做门、户外家具和室内配件,完成后,将各式木板的纹理无缝地连接起来,并将航海建筑中常用的廉价塑料与科里安更换。Firmship FS 42的空间是工作室工作的一个关注点,但设计师从来没有打算让它成为空间效率的典范-“多功能家具可能会如此笨拙,”Smet说。通过把船涂上一层新鲜的灰色,特别是20世纪50年代的荷兰工业建筑-从栏杆和太阳甲板,一直到节气门-设计师们给了自己一个重要的空间来玩装饰,而不是压倒整个空间。这种装饰品以经典的航海图像的形式出现,这对照片给了典型的工作室工作扭曲。锚、白鲸、头骨和十字骨的图案被用带刺的铁丝、昆虫和骨骼抛入。这些出现在从室内装潢和床上亚麻布到门把手和方向盘,以及工作室的工作钉:彩色玻璃窗。目前正在计划推出60英尺的版本。
In typically irreverant Studio Job fashion, the boat was photographed in the Titanic Drawing Room in Belfast, where plans for that fated vessel were first conceived.
Vissers approached the designers with just the 42 ft shell of the boat, created by nautical architect Willem Nieland, tasking them to create the interiors
Studio Job has coated the boat a calming shade of grey, specific to 1950s Dutch industrial buildings - from the railings and sundeck, all the way to the throttle - which allowed them that all-important scope to play with form and ornamentation without overwhelming the space
The brief for the interior was to create an extremely comfortable space, instilled with a sense of luxury that is warm and inviting, rather than obtrusive
Studio Job have used teak for doors, outdoor furniture and indoor fittings, finished so that grain of individual planks is seamlessly joined, and the customary cheap plastic used in nautical architecture is swapped with Corian
Classic seafaring iconography has been given a typical Studio Job twist throughout the boat
Prints of anchors, Moby Dick and a skull and cross bones appear on fabrics, door handles, steering wheels and, of course, that Studio Job staple: stained glass windows
A second bed on board the Firmship
More seafaring iconography on a door handle
Aerial view of the Firmship's bathroom
Room to move on board the Firmship FS 42 was a concern for Studio Job, but the designers never intended to make it a model of space-efficiency - 'multi-functional furniture can be so clumsy,' says Job Smeets
安特卫普的工作室工作对设计中的“功能”概念有着长期的反感。在为Moooi、Bisazza和RoyalTichelaar Makkum这样的公司打造华丽的作品时,任何由此产生的“有用性”都是偶然的。所以有点.