arthur casas trades brazil in for nyc with a new range of furniture thats made in america
2016-03-03 17:10
‘Arthur Casas: Made In America’ presents a range of never-before-seen designs by the acclaimed designer/architect in an immersive installation setting at Espasso in New York
Casas has opted to have the new designs handcrafted in America – in Brooklyn, to be precise. 'We decided to not bring Brazilian wood to North America because it doesn't behave well in this climate,’ he explains. Pictured: a glimpse of the 'Tiles' coffee table (left) and 'Fibonacci' bookshelf (right)
'These designs are the evolution of what we always have done,' Casas says. Pictured: the 'Rectangular' coffee table, made from stained American walnut and blackened steel
‘The sustainable part of this is very important too. We are using local materials, local craftsmanship and not wasting natural resources, normally associated with shipping a piece around the globe,’ he continues
There is a multi-sensory quality to the exhibition. Aided by sounds and visuals that mimic the feeling of being in nature, the show even smells like nature, thanks to a special fragrance created by Casas and Natura Brasil
keywords:USA, Espasso, Installations, New York design, Brazilian design