edaas casa meztitla is a modern home in sync with its rocky surroundings
2015-04-01 15:46
The locally sourced, granite rock that clads the facade of Casa Meztitla by EDAA enables it to blend into the mountainous background of El Tepozteco National Park
与户外和环境和谐的强烈联系是设计这个度假屋设计的一个组成部分,由年轻的墨西哥建筑实践EDAA。CasaMeztila坐落在神圣的El Tepozteco山脚下,靠近墨西哥中部乡村的热门城镇Tepoztlán。这座房子设计成一对夫妇的休闲娱乐场所,它模糊了室内和室外之间的界限,打开了宽阔的旋转玻璃门,欢迎周围的大自然进入。
互动式游览Casa Meztila
EDAA首席建筑师路易斯·阿图罗·加西亚(Luis Arturo Garcia)解释说,这座房子分为四个不同的区域:社会空间,包括客厅、厨房和餐厅,通向走廊和花园;服务区远离中央庭院,设有卫生间、淋浴房、洗衣房、仓库和烧烤架,供露天用餐;四间卧室排成一排,每间卧室都有自己的套房和露台;以及楼上的工作/生活工作室空间。穿过屋顶平台,由下面的地板形成。
Large tempered glass doors swing outwards to expose the interior, blending inside and outside
The house's four main zones are spatially separated but linked by external yards and covered walkways, encouraging visitors to engage with the outdoors
Internal and external spaces are united by the house's polished concrete floor, and white cement and lime plastered walls, which line the main bedrooms and their individual courtyards
The pinewood wall of the two guest bedrooms creates a discreet frontage, while providing access out to a shared patio space
Walls of glazing open up on either side of the long, open planned living space, allowing for ample cross ventilation, as well as the Mexican sunshine to stream in
The white monolithic volume of the first floor studio space stands out boldly against the rocky lower floor and the mountainside beyond
The modern scheme is located within nature and the 500 year old landscaped terraces of El Tepozteco
The house also features a narrow, elevated swimming pool. Water is collected on site in three large containers (the pool, a maintenance reservoir and a potable water tank) to ensure there is no waste and to allow year-round irrigation
keywords:Mexican architecture, EDAA, Tepotzlan, El Tepotzteco, holiday house, Casa Meztitla
关键词:墨西哥建筑,EDAA,Tepotzlan,El Tepotzteco,度假屋,Casa Meztila