a new show at the vancouver art gallery hints at herzog and de meurons plans for the museums future
2015-03-26 13:17
A new exhibition at Vancouver Art Gallery called 'Material Future' is offering visitors food for thought on how Swiss Architects Herzog and De Meuron might transform not just the city's premiere art museum, but Vancouver itself. Pictured: A model of the Nouveau Stade de Bordeaux in France by Herzog & de Meuron. Photography: Rodolphe Escher for arc en rêve centre d'architecture
赫尔佐格和德梅隆有设计艺术博物馆的诀窍,这些博物馆可以促进社区的变化。泰特现代酒店及其将死气沉沉的区域改造成生机勃勃的南岸或许是最著名的例子,但其他的例子却比比皆是。例如,位于马德里的“凯沙”(Caixa)建筑在一座废弃的电站的骨头上,重新激活了一条此前曾被加油站点缀的街道,将其与邻近的普拉多博物馆(Museo Del Prado)连接起来,并建造了一个由绿色墙构成的广场。
因为新VAG的关键不只是一家画廊,它拥有更多的空间,可以容纳艾米丽·卡尔(Emily Carr)经典作品和“温哥华学校”摄影概念主义的快速发展,而是位于新古典法院罗布森广场(Robson Square)设计的罗布森广场(Robson Square)以东六个街区的新兴艺术区的命运。这片地区被暂定为坎比街(Cambie Street)场地,是女王的家。伊丽莎白剧院,CBC总部,一个世纪中叶中央邮局,以及一个新的艺术建筑,住房剧院和音乐节办公室。这个新的画廊场地毗邻一个公共汽车站、一个旧军械库、一个时髦的雅尔敦和一个吸毒的东城,目前正由赫尔佐格(Herzog)和德梅隆(De Meuron)策划,因此直到今年6月才能公布实际的设计方案。直到10月,目前的展览还有点滑稽,尽管它希望传达的设计过程是严谨细致的。第一个房间提供了VAG及其前两栋建筑的历史,以及长达20年的过程,直到目前的计划。第二个房间的特色是maquettes、图纸、文件和出版物,突出了该公司更著名的作品-包括Tate,但也是巴黎一座(目前处于停滞状态的)水晶金字塔的有趣设计,灵感来自Haussmann的网格系统,以及在前东德的一个混凝土和玻璃图书馆,背面印有巨大的圣甲虫。最后一个房间是一个黑暗沉思的空间。循环幻灯片,显示公司的各种公共空间,热情地与他们的用户互动。一个被打出来的小窗口向外眺望佐治亚街,邀请观众凝视街景,直到六月的大揭露,以想象未来的设计可能性为乐。
On until October, the current exhibition details the architect's rigorous and meticulous design process as well as a history of the VAG and its previous two buildings. The National Stadium for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China by Herzog & de Meuron. Photography: Herzog & de Meuron
One of the exhibition rooms features maquettes, drawings, documents and publications highlighting the firm's better known works such as 1111 Lincoln Road in Miami, USA by Herzog & de Meuron. Photography: Erica Overmeer
Herzog and De Meuron have a knack for designing art museums that act as catalysts for neighbourhood change. Pictured: Pérez Art Museum in Miami, USA by Herzog and de Meuron. Photography: Roland Halbe
The new gallery site, which borders a bus station, an old armoury, trendy Yaletown and a drug addled Downtown Eastside, is currently being master planned by Herzog and de Meuron and so no actual design plans can be revealed until June. Pictured: Vancouver Art Gallery under construction at 1145 West Georgia Street, 1931. Photography: Major James Skitt Matthews, courtesy of City of Vancouver Archives
The exhibition chronicles the two-decade-long process leading up to the current plans. The Vancouver Art Gallery at 1145 West Georgia Street after a refit in 1958. Courtesy of Vancouver Art Gallery Archives
The new gallery will provide more space for the rapidly expanding collection that spans Emily Carr classics to 'Vancouver school' photoconceptualism. Crowded vault storage at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 1978. Courtesy of Vancouver Art Gallery Archives
The gallery is currently housed in a neo classical courthouse. Pictured: The building's rotunda during the renovations at 750 Hornby Street in 1982. Courtesy of Vancouver Art Gallery Archives
The gallery's marble staircase during the renovations at 750 Hornby Street in 1982. Courtesy of Vancouver Art Gallery Archives
keywords:Herzog de Meuron, Vancouver art gallery, canadian architecture
关键词:Herzog de Meuron,温哥华美术馆,加拿大建筑