on the rise london festival of architecture tracks the citys nascent neighbourhoods
2015-06-11 14:22
Developers Berkeley are constructing a new tower designed by Ian Simpson in Blackfriars with 274 homes, a 162-bed hotel, retail units and a public square ‘It will create 200 new full-time jobs on a site that has been derelict for more than a decade,’ says Tony Pidgley, Chairman of the Berkeley Group. Take a tour of the site with architect Ian Simpson, where 90 people are currently at work on the construction, increasing to 1,400 in 2016
伯克利集团(Berkeley Group)主席托尼·皮德格利(Tony Pidgley)说,我认为创建社区、人们想要生活和工作的地方很重要。这些开发商目前正在伦敦的Blackfriars和Manor House开展再生项目,这两个项目都将作为LFA徒步旅游项目的一部分开放。“这就是重振伦敦的意义所在-人们可以享受的地方就是这样。”
在今年的艺术节上,“文化建筑”的主题特别强烈,也是由建筑基金会组织的一次演讲的重点,该讲座考察了肯特郡埃布斯弗莱设计的当地主导的花园式城市风格开发项目。本周末,建筑基金会主任埃利斯·伍德曼(Ellis Woodman)和路易丝·怀曼(Louise Wyman)建筑师和Ebbs紊流UDC大师计划总监将讨论AHMM在旧街的办公室是如何形成这一总体规划的。
在这座城市的心脏地带进行的项目预演,请与伦敦交通专员彼得·亨迪爵士(Sir Peter Hendy)合作,他将与伦敦主要开发商的代表一起,驾驶他修复的Routemaster环游伦敦西区。作为这次旅行的导游,开发商将突出他们正在科文特花园、摄政街、圣詹姆斯街、梅菲尔、菲茨罗维亚、维多利亚和国王十字所做的工作。
对于那些对伦敦一系列新开发项目将对天际线产生的影响感兴趣的人来说,设计委员会(Design Council)重新推出了伦敦天际线之旅,其中凯布团队的设计评论首席顾问托马斯·本德(Thomas Bender)探索了天际线的过去、现在和未来。
另一方面,除了光鲜亮丽的发展,研究集团卡斯城市(Cass City)组织了一次展览和一系列徒步旅行,吸引人们注意伦敦小企业的不确定未来,特别是那些位于利雅山谷(Haringey、Enfield和Waltham Forest)的小型企业,它们可能是下一个成为伦敦似乎永远满足的需求的牺牲品。
Also in the works from Berkeley is the regeneration of Woodberry Down, a vast north-east London council estate which will make way for 920 new homes as well as student accommodation creating employment for local people in the process. A tour of the development will be hosted by Fletcher Priest Architects and social entrepreneur Simon Donovan who will discuss how the community is evolving after six years on site
At Berkeley’s recently-completed Goodman’s Fields scheme, sculptor Hamish Mackie has installed six life-size bronze horses which gallop through a water feature
Inspired by the site’s previous life as fields for London’s livery horses, the project is an example, Pidgley says, of how art works can create an ‘amazing public realm.’ The development team will be hosting a light lunch and tour of the site to discuss the project
South of the river, Lambeth and Wandsworth councils’ have teamed with the Mayor of London and TfL as well as city planners, landowners and developers to map out a grand plan for the regeneration of ‘Nine Elms’ - a neglected stretch of river between Battersea and Vauxhall. The mammoth, decade-long project will see the creation of 18,000 new homes and a 1 billion investment in infrastructure. A walking tour led by Robin Hughes of Network Rail this weekend will start at Vauxhall Station and end at the new Damien Hirst Gallery on Newport Street
Perhaps the most show stopping component of the new Nine Elms quarter is the 42 square metre Battersea Power Station site, which is being reimagined as a riverside park with 3,992 apartments, three hotels, and more than 250 shops and restaurants
To mark its long-awaited redevelopment, David Twohig, Head of Design and Placemaking for Battersea Power Station; Ian Simpson and Rachel Haugh of SimpsonHaugh and Partners; and Philip Marsh of dRMM will be taking an in-depth look at the design process behind the first buildings and public spaces, set to open in 2016
Another project looking to reconnect the city with its riverside is happening in Hammersmith, where the ageing A4 Flyover, that currently screens the town centre off from its Thames frontage, is being banished to a tunnel below ground. A series of events – in the form of exhibtions, lectures and schools – will be set up around Lyric Square to engage the local community with the project
Examining how these new public spaces in London should look and why they have been designed, in some occasions, so poorly in the past is ‘Never Mind the Bollards’ - an exhibition at New London Architecture that showcases the best public space projects and initiatives in London over the last 10 years. Photography ©Paul Raftery
Offering a more sceptical view of London’s developments, an installation called 'Ubiquitous Unique' showcases computer-rendered elevations from one hundred recent planning applications across London, challenging claims for the uniqueness of these schemes and highlighting the reality of privatisation of public space - loss of built heritage, a housing crisis and the fragmentation of communities. Curated by Reclaim London, the show offers hope in the form of proposed ideas for a fairer future
keywords:London Festival of Architecture 2015, architcture, design and build, event highlights, new developments