fresh rhetoric dakis joannou hosts 2015 deste foundation summer show
2015-06-17 09:15
Paul Chan's Hippias Minor, at the Deste Foundation's Slaughterhouse space on the island of Hydra, is a two part exploration of one of Plato's most controversial dialogues. Courtesy: Paul Chan and Badlands Unlimited
今年的特邀艺术家-美国保罗·陈(Hugo Boss大奖得主,2014年)-按照古希腊生活不可或缺的辩论平台的传统,举办了一场名为“希皮亚斯小调”(Hippias Mini)的研讨会。在陈冯富珍的版本中,候选人在“狡猾的艺术”上大张旗鼓,这是柏拉图最具争议的对话之一。花言巧语和质问在田园诗般的、藤蔓的酒馆环境中起了作用。嘉宾包括Maurizio Cattelan、Urs Fischer、Jeffrey Deitch和设计师Sophia Kokosalaki,以及基金会的策展人和朋友。陈冯富珍的辩论结束了三天的开幕式和活动,标志着达斯特(在希腊语中的意思是“看”)是一个独特而珍贵的机构。
非营利性基金会-该基金会自诩拥有大胆而挑衅性的当代艺术收藏和公共节目-邀请音乐家/艺术家金·戈登(Kim Gordon)在贝纳基博物馆(Benaki Museum)创作一场名为“噪音名画”(噪音名画)和“摇滚乐队雕塑”的演出。这位表演者在古希腊艺术的视觉背景下敲击出她的弹奏曲,并画出摇滚乐名画。
Benaki博物馆、基金会和建筑师Alessandro Pasini的联合展览“Ametria”的揭幕,证明了这是一个令人难以置信的亮点,而Ametria的概念-对整体愿景的否定-反映在巧妙的策划中。博物馆的底层空间被改造成了一个迷宫,没有在历史地图、雕像和达斯特当代宝藏之间来回穿梭的各种艺术品的标志或标签。探索和发现被强调-大家一致认为这是一次刺激的旅程-在达基斯和丽塔·乔恩努的私人家中举行了欢乐的晚餐和舞蹈,每一次都自夸有挑衅性的艺术品。
The first part comprises three outdoor works installed on the Slaughterhouse roof. These pieces 'represent Chan's evolving body of work that incorporates aspects of animation, sculpture, sewing, and fluid dynamics, and which he simply calls "clothes for spirits"'. Pictured: An artist's impression of the installed piece. Courtesy: Paul Chan and Badlands
The second piece is a publication, Hippias Minor or The Art of Cunning, containg a new translation of Plato's dialogue by Sarah Ruden, repurposing the text as an understanding the power of lying as a creative act. Courtesy: Paul Chan and Badlands Unlimited
Dakis Joannou, the host of the Deste Foundation summer show, owns a 115-foot megayacht designed in collaboration with Jeff Koons and the Italian yacht designer Ivana Porfiri. Photography: Andrea Ferrari
Family Business – initiated in 2012 by artist Maurizio Cattelan and New Museum Artistic Director and curator Massimiliano Gioni – is an alternative, non-profit art space for the presentation of original exhibitions open to artistic experimentation and innovative collaboration. Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
After iterations in New York's Chelsea district and at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Family Business comes to Athens. In its new incarnation at the Benaki Museum, the space will maintain a symbiotic relationship with both the Museum and the Deste Foundation. Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
The space is playing host to 'Dirty Linen' an exhibition organised by Myriam Ben Salah, curator of Special Projects and Cultural Programs at the Palais de Tokyo; the show examines the concept of the family as an 'intricate and weird entanglement of individuals and relationships', as well as encompassing broader national and international relationships made apparent during the ongoing financial crisis. Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
Kim Gordon's Noise Name Paintings and Sculptures of Rock Bands that are broken up saw the artist and rock musician hammer out her riffs against a visual background of Ancient Greek art and daubed rock-and-roll name paintings. Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
The Noise Name images reference Gordon's work in other disciplines, highlighting a web of reference between authorship, visualisation and the 'reciprocal influence of poetic communication'. Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
Maria Hassabi is one of six nominees shortlisted for the 2015 Deste Foundation Prize. Wall, 2015, is a mixed media sculpture constructed from power and control cables, dimmers, paint and wall clips. Photography: George Sfakianakis. Courtesy of the artist and The Breeder, Athens
Exhaustion, 2015, is a mixed media installation by the Deste Foundation Prize nominee Yiannis Papadopoulos. Photography: George Sfakianakis
The mixed media installation Copies, Columns, Reconfiguration, 2015, by Petros Moris, a shortlisted nominee for the Prize. Photography: George Sfakianakis
Socratis Socratous' entry Stolen Goods, 2009 – 2015, is a beguiling work of natural detritus – pine cones, branches, leaves – from the National Garden of Athens, exquisitely recast in bronze and scattered over the tiled floor of the Cycladic Museum. Photography: George Sfakianakis
Prize nominee Natali Yiaxi's Posh Taro, 2015, is a ten minute sound installation on 12-inch vinyl. Photography: George Sfakianakis
Yiaxi's second piece, Untitled, 2015, comprises 50 blank, titled books. Photography: George Sfakianakis
Aggelo Plessas – the sixth nominee for the Deste Foundation Prize – presents the mixed media Eternal Internet Brother/Sisterhood (1–3), 2015. Photography: George Sfakianakis. Courtesy the artist and The Breeder, Athens
The unveiling of 'Ametria', a joint show between the Benaki Museum and the Foundation, was a mind-boggling highlight of the summer show. Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
The Museum's ground floor space was transformed into a labyrinth, with no signposting or labelling of the diverse artworks that zig-zagged between historical maps… Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
… statues… Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
… and Deste's contemporary treasure trove. Photography: Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Constantopoulou
keywords:deste foundation, slaughtherhouse, dakis joannou, benaki museum