a stark contrast ulm stadthaus set to host a retrospective exhibition of richard meier partners
2015-06-26 16:26
The New York-based Richard Meier & Partners Architects' 'Picture, Tower, Building – Richard Meier and the Ulm Minster' is set to open at the Ulm Stadthaus Exhibition and Assembly Building, Germany on 8 July. Pictured: working plan of the Ulm Stadthaus in-situ next to the imposing Lutheran minster. Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects
这次展览将持续到11月22日,展出的包括以前梅耶项目的原始模型、草图、示意图和照片,其中包括康涅狄格州达里恩的史密斯大厦(Smith House);他在新泽西州埃塞克斯瀑布(Essex Falls)为父母设计的房子;墨西哥城的改革塔(Reforma Towers);以及纽约历史学会(New York History Society)和麦迪逊广场花园(Madison Square Gardens)尚未建成的竞争提案。
不可避免的是,展览的主要吸引人是乌尔姆·斯塔德索斯(Ulm Stadthauss)-这是一个22年前完成的项目,“被认为是对乌尔姆的明斯特广场(Münsterplatz)及其大教堂的历史构成的一种规划和文化补充。”梅耶认为,它完全代表了这家同名公司的设计理念。
The retrospective includes original models, sketches, schematic drawings and photographs of past Meier projects, such as the Reforma Towers in Mexico City (pictured). Courtesy of Vize
This processional material gives a fascinating insight into the work of one of America's most respected architectural firms. Pictured: working model of the Reforma Towers. Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects
The material reveals Meier's nuanced and sensitive understanding of the importance of physical space... Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects
... and natural light. Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects
Other featured projects include the house Meier designed for his parents in Essex Fells, New Jersey. Photography: ESTO
This house was Meier's first commission in private practice, a modernist pile in a neighbourhood of pseudo-colonial houses. Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects
The Essex Fells house's interior light was provided via skylights and clerestories. Photography: ESTO
The Smith House in Darien, Connecticut, is one of the firm's most recognisable designs; Meier created 'sublime spaces of aesthetic illumination'. Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects
The exhibition also includes designs and imagery of unbuilt structures, such as for the New York Historical Society (pictured)... Courtesy of DBOX
... and these imposing prospective models for the redevelopment of New York's Madison Square Gardens. Courtesy of ESTO
'While architecture is forever providing us with volumes about where we have been,' Meier explains, 'it is at the same time offering us clues about where we may still be able to go.' Courtesy of Richard Meier & Partners Architects
keywords:Ulm Stadthaus Exhibition & Assembly Building, Richard Meier, Smith House, architecture