sunny season pace hosts agnes martin influenced and yto barrada shows
2015-07-13 10:53
Pace London's two summer exhibitions, 'Signal Failure' and 'Faux Guide', will run until 8 August. Collecting artists such as Sara Barker, Philomene Pirecki, Cédric Eisenring, Mathis Gasser, Scott Lyall, Sergei Tcherepnin and Tobias Madison, the former examines Agnes Martin's artistic approach from multiple viewpoints. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
夏季艺术季节的活动和事件层出不穷,从令人兴奋的户外设施到延伸到全球所有城市的庞大项目。现在是节奏的转变,不仅是一个,而是两个夏季展览-艾格尼丝·马丁(Agnes Martin)-影响了“信号失败”(Signal Failure)和伊托·巴拉达(Yto Barrada)的“人造指南”(Faux Guide)-在伯灵顿花园(Burlington Gardens)的画廊伦敦前哨展出,离皇家学院的主庭院只有一箭之遥。
与泰特·现代(Tate现代派)最近推出的阿格尼丝·马丁(Agnes Martin)回顾展相呼应,画廊将其西区中心的上层空间分配给了已故抽象印象派艺术家,汇集了当代艺术家-比如萨拉·巴克(Sara Barker)、菲洛米娜·皮雷斯基(Philomene Pirecki)、塞德里克·艾森林(Cédric Eisenring)、马西斯·加塞尔(Mathis Gasser)、斯科特·莱尔(Scott Lyall)、
Pictured (foreground): Sara Barker's delicate sculpture, In semi-darkness she reclines and pretends to read. (Her compositions have been defined as 'drawings in space'.) The show's works exist within the spatial conditions imposed by Mathis Gasser and Cédric Eisenring's Yellow Gate (background), which fragments the gallery's space. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
Sergei Tcherepnin's Rotating Box comprises an unstretched canvas that operates as the ground for two brass elements, wired up to transducers and a mini computer, playing a digital composition by the artist. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
Yto Barrada's solo show 'Faux Guide' is located on the gallery's ground floor. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
The exhibition design adopts the structure of a geological time scale, demarcated by coloured bands of Berber carpets that correspond to painted sections of the wall. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
Cast assemblages of fossils suggest an affinity between the use of cast sculptures and the models of nature used by artists, scientists and museums. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
An assemblage of heart-shaped fake artefacts. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
A close-up of one artifact – an irreverent take on the processes of paleontology. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
The show includes photographs of dinosaur footprints and children’s toys from the 1930s, real and fake fossils, a mold of the hand of a fossil preparatory, a model of a complete dinosaur (pictured) and pedagogical paintings. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
In autumn 2015, A Guide to Fossils for Forgers and Foreigners will be published; the catalogue includes examples of Barrada’s new work, and a number of texts written and selected by the artist. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
The publication will explore notions of patrimony and shifting definitions of authenticity, with the author's trademark humor, subtlety and wit. Photography courtesy of the artist and Pace London
keywords:Pace London, summer shows, solo show, group show, Agnes Martin, Yto Barrada