letter from finland we chart the nordic countrys latest architectural projects

2015-08-17 16:10
A renovation by Kari Raimoranta of Architects NRT, the new Helsinki Art Museum building is one of the Finnish capital's most highly anticipated autumn openings. Photography: Maija Toivanen
芬兰正在发生一场安静的建筑革命。在过去的一个世纪里,北欧国家一直是现代主义建筑的精妙先驱之一,拥有阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)和埃罗·萨里宁(Eero Saarinen)等标志性人物。快速前进半个世纪,芬兰准备再次成为头条新闻,它的新一波当代设计和雄心勃勃的教育、宗教、住宅和公共建筑设计在全国上下蓬勃发展。
这包括芬兰建筑师在海外工作和丰富的新工作在芬兰由当地和外国建筑师。最近的一些项目,如西班牙的Mxsii公司在G.S.StLaCuriS当代艺术博物馆在M.Nntt Sub的小镇,以及未来的作品,如OPEEAA在Tornedalen,瑞典和正在讨论的新古根海姆赫尔辛基的新古根海姆Moreau Kusunoki,都有蜜蜂。N在本地和国际场景中掀起波澜。最近公布的2015年度芬兰迪亚奖的优质入围名单就是一个很好的例子。
芬兰新设计的强大成果及其建筑师积极、能干的态度是最近的阿尔瓦·阿尔托研讨会(Alvar Aalto)的两个核心因素。自1979年以来,阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)每三年在Jyv skyl举行一次国际建筑会议,Aalto在那里度过了多年的成长岁月。由阿尔瓦·阿尔托基金会(由Jyv skyl市协助)、芬兰建筑博物馆和芬兰建筑信息中心组织,今年8月的活动有一个简洁但非常明确的中心主题:Do!
在庆祝阿尔托(Aalto)这样的芬兰古典建筑-这位建筑师在芬兰心脏地带这个小镇上建造了无数重要建筑-的同时,他实际上也成为了这一活动的第五位主办者-这次研讨会强调的是新的和未来的工作,更多的是采取行动,而不是专注于理论讨论。发言分为四个主题:每一位发言者工作的地方、社会、数字和物质因素。讲座考察了来自世界上几个国家的不同范例和哲学,包括印度的拉胡尔·梅赫罗特拉(Rahul Mehrotra)、中国的刘晓渡/乌尔巴纳斯(音译)、美国的格雷格·林恩(Greg Lynn)和伊瓦莫托斯科特(IwamotoScott),以及北欧项目。
通过由OOPEAA原则Anssi Lassila主持的计划周密的会议,芬兰有机会考虑自己的建筑方法,并受到国际上强有力的参与的启发,并展示其一系列新的项目;丰富多样的收藏,使芬兰坚定地站在21世纪的建筑地图上。
The museum's new home is the city's revamped Tennis Palace exhibition hall – a local historical landmark. Photography: Maija Toivanen
To be inaugurated on the 25 September, the museum will launch with the country's first solo show by Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei. Photography: Maija Toivanen
The building's generously proportioned ground floor exhibition space will be dedicated to a rolling display of works from the museum's Bäcksbacka Collection. Photography: Maija Toivanen
The Harjunkulma housing block in Jyväskylä was designed by Kirsti Sivén & Asko Takala Arkkitehdit Oy, and completed in 2014. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
The complex includes around 260 apartments, as well as commercial space and underground parking for some 218 cars. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
Helsinki's forthcoming Central Library factors an impressive design by local firm ALA Architects
The architects aimed to create a library that consists almost entirely of public spaces
Construction is set to start on site later this year – the architects are looking at a 2018 completion date
The University of Helsinki Main Library has been open for a couple of years but is still one of the city's most celebrated new additions. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
The library was carved out of an existing city block made of brown brick – but you wouldn't be able to tell from its crisp white interior. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
Large openings in the reading rooms make for bright and welcoming study spaces. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
A central oval-shaped atrium dominates the interior, uniting all floors. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
Designed by Finnish architects Heikkinen-Komonen, Savonlinna's new Joeli Main Library opened in 2014. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo 
Heikkinen-Komonen are also behind the Kangasala Arts Centre, which opened its doors earlier this year. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
Emerging architecture firm Avanto has a key Helsinki project in the pipeline – the Hernesaari public sauna, slated to open in 2016
ALA Architects have just completed Kuopio City Theatre's renovation and expansion. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
The theatre's original 1960s building was designed by architects Helmer Stenros and Risto-Veikko Luukkonen. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
The extension's simple white rectangular volume sits perpendicular to the existing building. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
The project's facelift includes a new state-of-the-art stage with flexible seating and modern equipment. Photography: Tuomas Uusheimo
The Merenkulkijanranta housing project in Lauttasaari, Helinski, designed by the country's Architects NRT practice
The complex's white forms are orientated so as to make the most of the plot's prime sea views
The project has already been nominated for the coveted 2015 Finlandia Prize
OKO Bank's new headquarters in Helsinki have also been nominated for the 2015 Finlandia Prize. Photography: Marc Goodwin
Completed earlier this year, the building is notable for its impressive central atrium. Photography: Marc Goodwin
Esa Ruskeepää Architects created a brand new school for the city of Espoo – the brick-clad Opinmaki campus
The complex's spaces include a kindergarten, primary and secondary schools
A library, a sports hall, an adult education centre and a youth centre will also be housed in the same building
One of OOPEAA's latest works, the Puukuokka block of flats, is situated in the city of Jyväskylä
The complex consists of three housing blocks – one is already completed and the rest will follow later this year
The completed eight-storey wooden apartment building is a prefabricated timber frame construction
The complex houses 150 modern apartments, conceived in collaboration with the Jyväskylä City Planning Department
The recently completed Ruusupuisto Faculty of Education in Jyväskylä has been designed by Helsinki-based practice SARC. Photography: Anders Portman
The structure includes the faculty's education and administrative departments. Photography: Anders Portman
A wooden auditorium-like main staircase connects the different floors, but also functions as a multipurpose space for its users. Photography: Anders Portman
One of OOPEAA's key upcoming projects in Finland is this modern chapel in Suvela, currently in development
A project designed by Danish architecture practice COBE and Finnish firm Lundén Architecture, the Tampere Travel and Service Centre was a recent competition win
The project involves a masterplan and a new railway station. The competition was the largest of its kind in Finland
keywords:Alvar Aalto, Finnish architecture, architecture symposium, Alvar Aalto symposium, architecture, Finland
芬兰正在发生一场安静的建筑革命。在过去的一个世纪里,北欧国家一直是现代主义建筑的精妙先驱之一,拥有阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)和埃罗·萨里宁(Eero Saarinen)等标志性人物。快进半个.




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