fine lines kristine norlanders vision of the lassens modernist architecture
2015-08-18 10:29
The Danish furniture company By Lassen is celebrating the architectural legacy of Flemming and Mogens Lassen with a collection of graphic images of their buildings, shot by Norwegian photographer Kristine Norlander
拉森的哥本哈根品牌充满了历史故事。由纳迪亚·拉森于2008年创立,她的灵感来自于她已故的曾祖父、建筑师莫更斯·拉森设计的1962年“Kubus”烛台设计。这家丹麦家具公司现在正在接受它的遗产,并通过重新利用它的作品,使其具有鲜明的21世纪的美学。也就是说,拉森邀请艺术家克里斯汀·诺兰德(Kristine Norlander)为其建筑制作一系列平面照片,这些照片完全是在iPhone上拍摄的,目的是对其建筑作品进行当代探索。
回首上世纪三、四十年代,莫根和弗莱明·拉森(Flemming Lassen)兄弟帮助开创了建筑现代主义,挪威摄影师诺兰德(Norlander)运用了她独特的风格和技巧-在手机上捕捉到的影响深远的单色照片-来封装这四位兄弟的建筑杰作的细节。
在一系列名为Funkis(建筑功能主义的简称)的照片中,她把重点放在几何形状上,从这对极简主义风格的灰色阴影中创造了一个故事。在弗莱明与建筑师阿恩·雅各布森(Arne Jacobsen)共同设计的S ller d市政厅(S Ller D City Hall)中,她展示了一幅放大的多扇窗户的画面,这些窗户点缀着列出的混凝土建筑。诺兰德的视力是亲密和不祥的,窗户变暗了,所以我们只能看到房间里窗帘怪异的线条。
相比之下,莫更斯在哥本哈根北部的巴克代尔,赫勒鲁普的独家住宅,则是一幅较轻的风景图。聚焦于鲍豪斯启发的结构的曲线美的品质,图像在建筑物的边缘磨砺,在更深的灰色阴影中。精致的垂直线条也是哥本哈根西部一座办公楼的中心部分,位于R dov里夫列夫里夫吉(R dov里夫列夫里夫杰),它包含着白色洗衣形式的多重瘦削的拱门,同样是通过使用自然的阴影。诺兰德解释道:“光线的下落方式对于获得良好的形象至关重要。”诺兰德的许多惊人作品可以在Instagram上找到。
The infamous Søllerød City Hall is shown here, created by Flemming with his friend Arne Jacobsen. Norlander has magnified the listed building's windows, focusing on the ominously darkened spaces behind
In her shot of Mogen's single family home in Bakkedal, Hellerup, north of Copenhagen, Norlander picks out the curves of the building, made prominent in dark grey
The original image of the Mogens' family home in Bakkedal, Hellerup. Norlander has focused on the curvaceous top extension of the building for her image
This image of a building west of Copenhagen on Rødovrevej embraces the multiple skinny archways of the white washed building, again through the natural shade
The original picture that Norlander took to inspire her vision of the building on Rødovrevej
The owners of this north Copenhagen house wanted to stay discreet about the building's appearance, but this angular and textured picture suggests that it is constructed in concrete
Danish designer Kristina Dam has also previously interpreted the modernist works in paintings (pictured)
Dam's alternative vision creates a story using colour, showing the entire buildings in all their shapely glory
Norlander's 'Funkis' prints will be available from September from By Lassen. Pictured: another textured angle of the north Copenhagen building
keywords:Kristine Norlander, Morgen Lassen, Flemming Lassen, Bylassen, architecture
关键词:Kristine Norlander,Morgen Lassen,Flemming Lassen,Bylassen,建筑学