divine intervention markus brunettis imposing architectural icons
2015-09-11 11:28
A new exhibition at Chelsea's Yossi Milo Gallery spotlights the intense ecclesiastical photography of Markus Brunetti. Pictured left: Sobrado dos Monxes, Monasterio de Santa María, 2013–2014; right: Angoulème, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, 2013–2014
建筑图标的图像非常普遍;毕竟,开拓性的英国摄影师威廉·亨利·福克斯·塔尔伯特(WilliamHenryFox Talbot)早在19世纪就把威斯敏斯特教堂(Westmin@@但现在,切尔西的Yossi Milo画廊正在关注德国摄影师马库斯·布鲁内蒂(Markus Brunetti)在“正面”-摄影师在美国的第一次展览-在欧洲各地拍摄的历史教堂、修道院和修道院,高度个人主义的风格。这场演出巧妙地展示了他耀眼的创造力。
His highly individualistic take on that genre in 'Facades' – the photographer's first exhibition in the United States – deftly captures historic cathedrals, cloisters and monasteries throughout Europe. Pictured: Conques, Abbatiale Sainte-Foy, 2012–2014
Brunetti creates riveting composite images from upwards of 100 images, airbrushing out extraneous elements like cars and street light. Pictured: Köln Hohe Domkirche St. Petrus, 2008–2014
Brunetti also drenches images in a surreal palette, skewing these monolithic structures further. Pictured: Magdeburg, Dom St. Mauritius und Katharina, 2011–2015
Milo has included an image measuring a towering 10 ft in height in the exhibition. 'This size will immerse the viewer and present the facade in its purest form,' he says. Pictured: Orvieto, Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta, 2006–2014
Salisbury, Cathedral, 2014–2015
Salamanca, Convento de San Esteban, 2013–2014
Piazzola sul Brenta, Duomo, 2013–2015
Ulm, Münster, 2007–2014
keywords:Photography, Religious architecture
建筑图标的图像非常普遍;毕竟,开拓性的英国摄影师威廉·亨利·福克斯·塔尔伯特(WilliamHenryFox Talbot)早在19世纪就把威斯敏斯特教堂(Westmin@@但现在切尔西的约西·米洛画廊正在关注德国的照片.