first love francesco vezzoli unveils eternal kiss at almine rech gallery
2015-09-10 17:48
Installation view of Francesco Vezzoli's Eternal Kiss, recently opened at Almine Rech Gallery in London. Courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech Gallery. Photography: Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd
那么这位多面手下一步该怎么办呢?他执导了一部由辛迪·谢尔曼(Cindy Sherman)主演的新片,该片将于下月在希腊上映,作为鲁弗斯·温赖特(Rufus Wainwright)歌剧“普里玛·唐娜”(
Vezzoli explains: 'The main objective of Eternal Kiss is to use the process of aesthetic restoration to re-enact a fictional kiss from two thousand years ago.' Courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech Gallery. Photography: Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd
Eternal Kiss has, Vezzoli continues, two main aims: 'The first is to restore to the heads the notion that originally they were made to function as objects of desire; the second, and more ambitious, aim of the work is to create the most ancient sculpture of a kiss in existence.' Courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech Gallery. Photography: Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd
keywords:Sculpture, Galleries