flower power petals make up the new mpavilion by amanda levete in melbourne
2015-10-05 15:04
Amanda Levete's brand new MPavilion has just launched in Melbourne
墨尔本以其慷慨的公园和皇家植物园而享誉全球。在过去几年里,这个澳大利亚南部城市也以其当代建筑而闻名,部分原因是娜奥米·米尔格罗姆(Naomi Milgrom)代表她的基金会,在一系列临时建筑中展示澳大利亚和国际知名建筑师。
在Victoria国家美术馆对面的维多利亚女王花园,建筑师Sean Godsell的第一座“轻型驾驶室”是轻量级的钢结构展馆。今天,伦敦国际建筑师Amanda Levete(ALYA)创建了展馆。我第一次见到内奥米是几年前墨尔本欧莱雅时装节的客人。Levete说,这些种子已经为这个展馆准备好了。他渴望捕捉到与戈德塞尔分摊的同一个地点的葱郁的环境(他的展馆已经搬到了墨尔本市的另一个城市边缘地段)。
Located in the city's green Queen Victoria Gardens, the structure mimics its leafy surroundings
Its canopy is made of 52 resin petals, varying in width from three to five metres
Poised on slender carbon fibre columns, evocative of trunks, the 'petals' were brought to life with the help of MouldCAM
The pavilion's design is a contemporary interpretation of a forest, explains Levete
Their extremely slim profile makes the sturcture elegant and ethereal
But they are designed to provide shade and a resting place for visitors to the park, during the warm summer months
keywords:MPavilion, architectural pavilion, temporary structure, Australian architecture, amanda levete
墨尔本以其慷慨的公园和皇家植物园而享誉全球。在过去的几年里,这个澳大利亚南部城市也以其当代建筑而闻名,这在一定程度上是内奥米·米尔格罗姆(Naomi Milgrom).