harry allen and esque team up with new glass collection at heller gallery
2016-05-03 17:15
The New York design stalwart Harry Allen has joined forces with Portland, Oregon glassblowers Esque on a collection of some two dozen vases and lit sculptures, some hung from the ceiling with near-invisible wire
2005年,当俄勒冈州波特兰的玻璃鼓风机AndiKovel和贾斯汀·帕克在ICFF遇到哈里·艾伦时,他们惊讶地听到这位纽约设计师是他们作品的粉丝。他们不应该这样。科维尔和帕克的手艺源于功能性的、以概念为基础的表达方式,这些表达违背了传统的玻璃艺术观念,反映了他们在布鲁克林的厄班格拉斯(UrbanGlass)上的历史-在那里,他们为玛雅·林(Maya Lin)、基基·史密斯(Kiki Smith)和马修·巴尼(Matthew Barney)这样的艺术家提供出租服务,
On display at New York's Heller Gallery, the pieces are made by blowing glass directly into circular, square and triangular cutouts of stainless steel, which constricts and supports each vessel to form a unified whole
‘Metal is the complete opposite of glass: it’s hard, cold, and noisy, while glass is clean and soft,’ says Andi Kovel of Esque. ‘We’ve managed to marry them in a way where they are totally interactive and dependent on one another’
All three pairs of hands are visible in each: Parker, a master gaffer (the main glassblower), was in charge of blowing. Kovel picked glass colours and forms, while Allen chose the metal frame and suggested how it might hang
While people have blown glass into metal before, few have managed to chart new aesthetic territory. ‘The aesthetic almost comes from somewhere else,’ Harry Allen says. ‘It has everything to do with us, and nothing to do with us. It’s the sum of all the parts we set up’
keywords:Sculpture, USA, Glass, New York design