burntwood school in wandsworth london allford hall monaghan morris wins 2015 stirling prize award
2015-10-15 19:30
Winner: Burntwood School in Wandsworth by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris. Photography: Rob Parrish
由于今年的榜单多种多样,很难预测2015年RIBA斯特林奖(RIBA Stirling)的获奖者。但投票已经进行,选票已经清点完毕,获胜者是伦敦万德斯沃斯的伯恩特伍德学校,由奥尔福德·霍尔·莫纳汉·莫里斯(Allford Hall Monaghan Morris)执掌。
这个鼓舞人心的项目给评委们留下了深刻的印象-RIBA总裁简·邓肯(Jane Duncan)、建筑师彼得·克莱格(Peter Clegg)、建筑师兼2014年RIBA Stirling奖得主史蒂夫·汤普金斯(Steve Tompkins)、艺术慈善家特蕾莎·萨克勒(Dame Theresa Sackler)
提名名单丰富多样,包括文化空间(MUMA在曼彻斯特的惠特沃思);教育建筑(当然,伯恩特伍德学院,也包括伦敦格林威治大学斯托克韦尔街大楼(Heneghan彭建筑师的SE 10);所有预算的住房(比如伦敦的达比希尔广场,Niall McLaughlin建筑公司的Peabody住房,罗杰斯·斯特克港合伙人的Neo Bankside);以及最新的预算住房之一。玛吉的癌症护理中心,在拉纳克郡,由莱赫和霍尔建筑师。这六座建筑(以及建筑实践)自7月公布入围名单以来一直在争夺这一奖项。
这是享有盛誉的建筑学奖的里程碑式的第20年,该奖项因其独创的设计、想象力和功能而闻名,今年也不例外。评委们说:“伯恩伍德学院(Burntwood School)展示了建筑师可以向社会提供的所有技能。”
Winner: Burntwood School in Wandsworth by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris. Photography: Rob Parrish
Winner: Burntwood School in Wandsworth by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris. Photography: Rob Parrish
Nominee: Darbishire Place in London's E1 by Niall McLaughlin Architects. Photography: Nick Kane
Nominee: Darbishire Place in London's E1 by Niall McLaughlin Architects. Photography: Nick Kane
Nominee: Darbishire Place in London's E1 by Niall McLaughlin Architects. Photography: Nick Kane
Nominee: Maggies Lanarkshire by Reiach and Hall Architects. Photography: David Grandorge
Nominee: Maggies Lanarkshire by Reiach and Hall Architects. Photography: David Grandorge
Nominee: Maggies Lanarkshire by Reiach and Hall Architects. Photography: David Grandorge
Nominee: NEO Banksid in London's SE1 by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners. Photography: Edmund Sumner
Nominee: NEO Banksid in London's SE1 by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners. Photography: Edmund Sumner
Nominee: NEO Banksid in London's SE1 by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners. Photography: Edmund Sumner
Nominee: The Whitworth in Manchester by MUMA. Photography: Alan Williams
Nominee: The Whitworth in Manchester by MUMA. Photography: Alan Williams
Nominee: The Whitworth in Manchester by MUMA. Photography: Alan Williams
Nominee: University of Greenwich Stockwell Street Building in London's SE10 by Heneghan Peng architects. Photography: Hufton + Crow
Nominee: University of Greenwich Stockwell Street Building in London's SE10 by Heneghan Peng architects. Photography: Hufton + Crow
Nominee: University of Greenwich Stockwell Street Building in London's SE10 by Heneghan Peng architects. Photography: Hufton + Crow
keywords:stirling prize, architecture awards, riba, british architecture
由于今年的榜单多种多样,很难预测2015年RIBA斯特林奖(RIBA Stirling)的获奖者。但是选票已经投出来,选票已经清点完毕,获胜者是-鼓点!-伦敦万德斯沃思伯恩特伍德学校,位于奥尔福德大厅。