chanel at harrods
2011-09-05 13:45
The Brompton Road facade of Harrods, where Chanel has transformed the store's shop windows...
卡尔·拉格菲尔德不会半途而废。这就是为什么当他在香奈儿的团队与哈罗德合作时,今天公布的结果至少可以说是令人眼花缭乱的。香奈儿(Chanel)不满足于将整个橱窗陈列在布伦普顿路(Brompton Road)的门面上,摆出2011年A/W系列的强大场景,展示了迷人的仙人院和异想天开的法国童话形象,香奈儿(Chanel)把邮票贴在店面上,就像在一座塔楼的城堡上一样,用一系列品牌的旗帜装饰它。这就是你在外面看到的。走进商店,很难知道香奈儿的冒险经历的哪一部分首先需要注意。在底层,该品牌创建了一家临时的“雾蒙蒙的花园”时尚精品店,内衬着白色和黑色的墙壁,墙壁上刻着狮子的头,里面装满了可以想象到的每一件服装-包括经典的哈罗德(Harrods)包,它被香奈儿(Chanel)改造过。在美容部门,一个粉红化妆柜台,配有A/W 2011活动中的弹出式照片亭和超大的香奈儿香水瓶-这是香奈儿化妆品创意总监彼得菲利普斯(Peter Phillips)创建的限量版化妆系列“骑士桥系列”(Knight Sbridge Collection)的所在地。与此同时,在三楼,一个戏剧性的350平方米的设施,‘恩步道’,是一个爱丽丝梦游仙境式的旅程,进入世界可可香奈儿。参观者从超大的白色珍珠窗帘进入单色茶花花园,在那里展览围绕着六个不同的房间:2.55,游客走进一个品牌标志性的包的衬垫创造,以发现包的生产过程;花呢房,灵感来自香奈儿的夹克面料的选择;一个迷人的儿童卧室的场景充满了娃娃和玩具;一个豪特时装品牌的时装制作过程;花呢房,灵感来自香奈儿的夹克面料的选择;一个迷人的儿童卧室的场景充满了娃娃和玩具;豪特时装房间,重建为加布里埃尔·香奈儿在坎本街31号的公寓;拉格菲尔德的7L工作室的图书馆空间,最后是一个专门为香奈儿标志服务的房间,包括5号香水瓶。
The new windows incorporate Karl Lagerfeld's recent A/W 2011 collection for Chanel...
... styled to reflect a enchanted woodland fairy tale scenes
This is the first time in Harrods history that all front-facing windows have been taken up by one brand
A theatrical mise en scène with Chanel's mythical creatures
Close-up of a smaller Chanel accessories window for Harrods
Chanel have put its stamp on the storefront like you would a turreted castle and embellished it with flags...
... and even made its mark on the bus stop outside Harrods
The Chanel's World map at an entrance-way in Harrods
The brand's has created a temporary 'misty garden' fashion boutique on the ground floor...
... lined with white and black walls embossed with lions' heads
Across the room, is Chanel's pop-up accessories stand
The infamous Harrods bag, with an added Chanel touch
The ephemeral beauty bar, lined with pink shelves and dressed with displays of Chanel perfume bottles...
... sits next to the pop-up photo booth - perfect for customers wanting to recreate the A/W 2011 campaign
The Knightsbridge Collection, created especially by Chanel make-up creative director Peter Philips
Even the lifts and lobbies have had the Chanel makeover
The pearl curtain entrance to the 'Une Promenade' exhibition on the third floor
... where a reconstruction of the monochrome camellia garden setting - featured in the Chanel S/S 2011 runway show - waits
Clusters of Chanel fine jewellery, encased in a foliage-filled display box, sit in a corner of the camellia garden
The 2.55 room - a dream for anyone wanting to live in a Chanel bag
Digital displays showing stages in the making of the iconic 2.55 bag
The large dolls house in the children's bedroom, featuring Chanel dolls created through the years
The Harrods bear, customised by Chanel - sadly, not for sale
Inside the Haute Couture room - a reconstruction of Gabrielle Chanel's apartment in 31 rue Cambon...
... featuring the swirling wall of tall mirrors seen in staircase entrance of 31 rue Cambon
An oversized version of the boxes used to package creations purchased by Haute Couture clients
Inside the tweed room - an homage to Chanel's jacket fabric of choice
The library in Karl Lagerfeld's studio 7L, reprinted as wallpaper, featuring an almost holographic Karl Lagerfeld
A larger-than-life jacket detail sits next to the heavyweight version of the 2.55
A combination of Noº5 advertisments from over the years is screened within a giant bottle in the pop art room
The Chanel flags lit up in the evening on Brompton Road