interactive tour house on lac grenier canada
2015-10-22 06:00
Montreal based Paul Bernier Architecte has responded to the natural topography of the wooded Lac Grenier site with a meandering cedar ‘palisade’, with openings to capture light and views. The site seems low key but upon entering, the dramatic views for the interior are revealed
距蒙特利尔一小时车程,一片可以俯瞰莱克·格勒尼耶(Lac Granier)的林地地块,提供了一处田园诗般的环境,为一个对地点敏感的住宅提供了一个环境。位于蒙特利尔的保罗·伯尼耶(Paul Bernier)以陡峭的斜坡和南边的溪流为界,将这座新房子纵向放置在两者之间,小心地
The open plan living space with its refined palette of white walls, polished concrete floors and hickory multi-media cabinet, allow the dramatic views of the landscape to take precedence
The open plan living space culminates in a glazed room with panoramic views of the stream flowing into the lake. The seasonal change of the surrounding trees provide summer shade and flood the space with warmth and light in winter
A trio of sculptural hickory volumes, including the entrance cloakroom, kitchen island and multi-media cabinet, are positioned along an axis to subtly divide the open plan living spaces
With time, the cedar will dull to silver and the ground cover will grow around the house, merging architecture with nature and rooting the house to its setting
The minimalist appearance of the multi-faceted palisade is afforded by an open-work installation, in which the vertical cedar slats are offset from the weatherproofing layer, permitting a zone for concealed flashings and trims
The openings in the palisade playfully increase moving away from the entrance, as the house's orientation changes to maximise the view of the site's natural features
The big reveal is reserved for the bright open-plan living spaces, with dramatic views to the forest on the south and the lake to the east
The house is primarily a single-storey building with the exception of a modest rooftop reading room, set back on the green roof. As the roof planting becomes established, the reading room will become like a tree-house with elevated views out over the vegetation to the lake
The palisade splays to allow for the entrance. Beyond it, a sculptural cloakroom is moulded to form seating and integrated storage
The minimalist approach of cedar cladding and glazing to the exterior is echoed internally with a simplified palette of white walls, polished concrete and hickory
keywords:Canada, lac grenier, canadian architecture, paul bernier architecte, residential architecture
关键词:加拿大、拉克、格伦尼尔、加拿大建筑、paul bernier architecte、民居建筑
距蒙特利尔一小时车程,一片林地可以俯瞰莱克·格勒尼耶,为一个对地点敏感的住宅提供了一个田园诗般的环境。位于蒙特利尔的保罗·伯尼耶(Paul Bernier)以陡峭的斜坡和南边的溪流为界。