rca students take over fendis new london store

2011-09-20 16:07
Fendi has marked the opening of its new Peter Marino-designed store in London's Sloane Street with works from students from the Royal College of Art's Design Products course. Seen here in one of the windows is Meret Probst's 'Starting With a Blank Canvas', featuring glasses of coloured dye trickling down a large canvas onto hanging white leather bags
芬迪正式搬进了位于伦敦斯隆街的新的彼得·马里诺设计的商店。除了卡尔·拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld)的皮毛和时装,还有西尔维娅·文图里尼·芬迪(Silvia Venturini Fendi)的皮包、鞋子和皮革配件之外,展出的都是一些不太知名、更有本土天赋的作品:皇家艺术学院(Royal College Of Art)设计产品课程的学生们,他们得到了这家总部位于罗马的时装公司的一份非常开放的简报,向他们展示了塞里利亚(Selleria)系列的“壮观”之处-结果证明,这在斯隆街,这两家商店的橱窗都交给了学生们,这些学生是由西蒙·哈桑(Simon Hasan)指导的,他是2009年被精心挑选来参加芬迪(Fendi)壮观的工艺朋克项目(见W*122)的设计师之一。哈桑现在是芬迪商店的常客,他是伦敦皇家艺术学院(RCA)的特别项目导师,同时也是它的校友之一。展示的内容从Lola Lely的“运动狂热”低科技/高科技机器和Meret Probst的“从空白的画布开始”到小规模的作品,比如“芬迪的解剖”,这是一个由三个部分组成的项目,在应用上几乎采用了法医学的方法。要了解更多关于Fendi与RCA学生合作的信息,您将不得不转到我们的10月份一期(现在就出来)。然而,在这里,我们带你参观一下新商店,让你更仔细地看看学生们的作品。
Lola Lely's aptly named 'Kinetic Frenetic', a low tech/hi-tech machine that spins one long ribbon of Fendi Selleria leather, coated in a vinyl skin with a multicoloured Futurist pattern
Charlotte Kingsnorth's 'Blown Leather Portals', glass vessels with a leathery skin that conceal Fendi products
A collection of 'Blown Leather Portals' displayed on shelves in the Fendi store
Dafi Reis Doron's 'Craft-Tech', a series of CNC-cut stools made of layers of wood veneer and leather
Part of the 'Anatomy of Fendi' project, for which Nicholas Wallenberg and Helena Karelson have boiled down Fendi Selleria's colourful skins to produce a pigment to colour flowers displayed on a large table
The results of Nicholas Wallenberg and Helena Karelson's project spell the letter 'F'
Samuel Weller and Imme van der Haak have deconstructed Fendi Selleria bags to form creatures encased in taxidermy jars
Petter Thorne has experimented with various metals to produce these table-top pieces, displayed throughout the shop
The Royal College of Art students' special project tutor Simon Hasan, one of the original Craft Punkers, is now a regular fixture at Fendi stores, crafting his boiled leather vases live for the 'Fatto a Mano' programme. Pictured here are his geometric dummies
Kicking off our showcase of past work by the RCA student collaborators is the 'Hybreed Chair' by Charlotte Kingsnorth. Part of the Hybreed range of chairs, which have evolved from bringing together old furniture frames and fleshy biomorphic forms, each curvaceous creature has been sculpted into a unique character depending on the frame it envelops
'Kontuur Window Blind' by Helena Karelson is based on a modern interpretation of traditional Venetian blinds. Instead of straight slats, the Kontuur blind slats are contoured, providing a decorative three dimensional effect and an unusual filtering of light
'100% Fruit & Vegetables' by Imme van der Haak is a playful comment on the way we buy ‘fresh' fruit and vegetables from high street supermarkets
'100% Fruit & Vegetables' by Imme van der Haak
Imme van der Haak's jewellery collection is based on changing forms and silhouette transformations
'bs_sw' by Meret Probst is a set of stackable tableware made from porcelain, glass and hardwood, which enables diners to create their own mini sculptures
Nicholas Wallenberg's 'Book shop', 2010, was designed for London's St Martin's Lane Hotel
'More Table' Petter Thorne uses plastic cast in cracked wood to create the illusion of furniture parts floating in mid-air
'Brick-Slip-Cast' is Sam Weller's proposal of an alternative London souvenir.  Says Weller: 'It is the antithesis of the traditional cheap and kitsch products that adorn London's tourist honey pots. The understated brick distills everything an attested souvenir or "memory" should exemplify - durability, honesty and practicality'
Sam Weller's 'Public Resonance' project, inspired by the busking community, allows a performer to directly connect with an audience. By utilising the natural resonance of everyday objects like street furniture, existing architecture or even public transport, various vibrations are both created and amplified by this portable percussive tool kit
'Cool Bar' by Dafi Reis Doron integrates an outdoor drinks bar with a self-contained cooler. The top portion can be collapsed down to seal the lower portion, preserving the cold temperature of the drinks when not in use
Inspired by the world of cardboard and paper folding, Dafi Reis Doron's 'Envelope Box' is a series of boxes designed to be structurally strong 
'Portion of a Bench' by Dafi Reis Doron has been designed to accomodate different alternating positions
'Portion of a Bench' by Dafi Reis Doron
'Golden Time Cupboard' by Lola Lely challenges the traditional notion of ownership in the classroom, reducing the perceived gap between pupil and teacher. Nine storage boxes hold different toys and games to be distributed at ‘Golden Time'. These boxes give the pupils the possibility of excercising their power of choice, accrued by good behaviour throughout the day
Lola Lely's 'Little Blue Creatures' is a collection of lights designed for children, made from hand formed thermoplastic




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