takashi murakami the 500 arhats the mori art museum and ens kaikai kikki gallery
2015-11-03 13:31
Two concurrent exhibitions document two different sides of the work of Takashi Murakami – a 'pop-up' of 15 new paintings from his 'Ensō' series at his own Tokyo gallery and a solo exhibition at the Mori Art Museum. Pictured: Ensō, Shangri-la, 2015. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
村上隆(Takashi Murakami)的两次作品同时展览-在森喜朗美术馆(Mori Art Museum)举办的大型个展和在他自己的东京画廊展出的“ENSō”系列中的15幅新画作-为这位当代艺术家重新聚焦于日本传统艺术提供了一个耐人寻味的视角。
无可争议的亮点是一幅极其详细、色彩丰富的100米长的画,它描绘的是佛陀的弟子们在迷幻的风景中变成了一大群鼓鼓的眼睛和无牙的笑容。取名为500 Arhat,灵感来自菅直人ōKazunobu(1866-1863年)创作的一套100张悬挂卷轴。
展览的策展人、艺术史学家野野太郎(Tsuji Nobuo)观察到,它们是“村上春树本人朴实无华的自画像”。
The former is a minimalist, contemplative series of paintings featuring the Ensō or 'circle', a motif in Japanese Zen Buddhism symbolising emptiness, unity and infinity. Pictured: Ensō: Blood and Bones, 2015. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
When asked why he chose to paint similar designs in red, black and gold, Murakami replied: 'Because I thought someone might want to buy them in different colours.' Pictured: Ensō: Awakened, 2015. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
Murakami has a PHD in the art of traditional Nihongo painting. Pictured: Ensō: Eros, 2015. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
According to Galerie Perrotin which arranged the Kaikai Kiki exhibition, the Ensō paintings represent an epiphany for the artist, resulting from quiet and ongoing spiritual practice. Pictured: Hollow White, 2015. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin
The Mori Art Museum's exhibition of 50 works, meanwhile, includes paintings, sculptures and videos, and is the first significant show of his work in Japan since 2001
The undisputed highlight is The 500 Arhats – an extraordinarily detailed and colourful 100-metre-long painting that depicts the Buddha's disciples transformed into a mesmerising riot of bulging eyes and toothless grins amid a psychedelic landscape. Pictured: Murakami in front of The 500 Arhats
The work was inspired by a set of 100 hanging scrolls created by Kanō Kazunobu (1816–1863). Pictured: The 500 Arhats
They are, observes the exhibition's curatorial advisor, art historian Tsuji Nobuo, 'unadorned self-portraits of Murakami himself'. Pictured: The 500 Arhats (detail)
Murakami’s works have been inspired by manga and kawaii culture with his more recent works reflecting ‘monstrous and charming characters alike, as facetious descendants of past myths.’ To mark the exhibition, Galerie Perrotin launched a 128 monograph with a text by Mari Hashimoto and forewords by Takashi Murakami and Emmanuel Perrotin
For instance, the enormous gold-leaf-clad sculpture The Birth Cry of a Universe represents contemporary society collapsing under the weight of the pursuit of development. Pictured: The Birth Cry of a Universe, 2014
An annotated working sketch of The 500 Arhats
keywords:Takashi Murakami, The 500 Arhats, Enso, Mori Art Museum
关键词:村上隆,500 Arhat,Enso,Mori艺术博物馆