david chipperfield named as new architecture mentor of rolex inspiring arts initiative
2015-12-09 10:34
Last week, at a ceremony in Mexico City, Rolex unveiled the prestigious list of mentors for the 2016–2017 edition of its Arts Initiative. British architect David Chipperfield was named as the initiative's architecture mentor. Photography: Ingrid von Kruse
在该计划的2012-2013年版中,该项目增加了建筑学内容,日本萨那岛和雄(Kazuyo Seijima Of Sanaa)将与中国年轻建筑师赵阳一起担任这一角色。作为2011年海啸后重建工作的一部分,他们一起在日本渔港气仙沼建立了一个社区会议屋。2014至2015年,难以捉摸的瑞士建筑师彼得·祖默(Peter Zumthor)与他的巴拉圭助手格洛里亚·卡布拉尔(GgéGloria Cabral)联手,在韩国的一个宗教场所创建了一个茶座;上周宣布,英国建筑师戴维·齐波菲尔(David Chipperfield)将接过2016-2017年的指挥棒。
恰如其分的是,上周末,这一消息是在墨西哥城单一的奇波菲尔设计的Museo JúMex颁奖典礼上宣布的,这个仪式是为了表彰2014-2015年版的导师和牧师,这位受人尊敬的建筑师也发表了一篇关于JúMex项目及其背后的想法的演讲。Mia Couto(文学)、Alfonso Cuaroón(电影)、Philip Glass(音乐)、琼·乔纳斯(视觉艺术)、Robert Lep(戏剧)和Ohad Naharin(舞蹈)也被提名为2016-2017年周期的导师。
然而,要到明年6月才能选出这支队伍,届时每位导师都将获得一份由来自世界各地的有影响力的艺术家和艺术专业人士组成的小组挑选的三到四名入围者的名单。辅导年之后不久将开始,每个项目都将获得25 000瑞士法郎的慷慨支助,以支持他或她参加该方案,并在辅导年结束时再提供25 000法郎用于开展一项新的工作。
劳力士(Rolex)慈善事业主管丽贝卡·欧文(Rebecca Irvin)说,这七位艺术家几十年来对他们的学科产生了深远的影响,受到公众和同龄人的高度尊敬。我们感谢他们在劳力士艺术倡议中担任导师的慷慨。他们将加入国际知名艺术家的行列,他们致力于将自己的热情和专业知识传授给年轻一代,并以自己的艺术重新焕发活力。
The far-reaching mentoring programme, that sees gifted protégés matched with masters in their fields for a year of collaboration, has generated a plethora of new and extraordinary works since its inception in 2002. Film director, screenwriter, producer and editor Alfonso Cuarón will be this edition's film mentor
Each mentor will choose his or her protégé from a small group of finalists in early 2016. Influential American composer Philip Glass (left) will mentor an aspiring young musician, while Canadian theatre, opera and film director, playwright and actor, Robert Lepage describes the opportunity to mentor an aspiring actor or actress from a different culture as 'a gift'. Photography: Steve Pyke and Jocelyn Michel
'I hope to have a dialogue that might clarify thoughts and ideas. Also to exchange with another, information previously hidden – and to visit unknown spaces,' says internationally acclaimed performance and video artist Joan Jonas, who will lead the visual arts category. Photography: Moira Ricci
As the literature mentor, Mozambican novelist Mia Couto is looking forward to recouping 'some ingenuity and vitality that we lose when we begin to manage what we create'. Photography: Renato Parada
Ohad Naharin, artistic director of Israel’s Batsheva Dance Company and one of today’s most eminent and visionary choreographers will mentor an up and coming dancer. Photography: Gadi Dagon
keywords:David Chipperfield, Rolex
关键词:David Chipperfield,Rolex