vanessa baird wins 2015 lorck schive art prize
2015-11-16 11:52
An installation view of Vanessa Baird's I don’t want to be anywhere, but here I am, 2015, the winning work of this year's Lorck Schive Art Prize – the exhibition of which is on view at the Trondheim Kunstmuseum in Norway. Photography: Anders Solberg. Courtesy of Trondheim Kunstmuseum
艺术家瓦内萨·贝尔德可能只是挪威对格雷森·佩里的回答。她的最新作品是一间题为“我不想呆在任何地方,但我在这里”的挑衅性墙画房间,是一幅由污垢和血淋淋组成的技术彩色挂毯,主题和风景充斥着向在海上迷失的难民们提供的内脏和家具。它既有趣又令人厌恶-2015年洛洛克·席夫艺术奖(Lorck Schive Art Prize)的评委们似乎也同意这一点,他们刚刚授予了贝尔德今年的50万挪威克朗(合6万美元)奖。
目前在特隆赫姆昆士泰博物馆展出的洛洛克希夫艺术奖展览包括贝尔德和其他入围者Ane Hjort Guttu,Jana Winderen和Snorre Ytterstad的作品。虽然还处于起步阶段-今年仅仅是第二版-但洛洛克·席夫艺术奖仍然是挪威最大的当代艺术奖。
在入围者的作品中,温德伦展示了一个沉浸式(如果不是特别吸引人的话)声音装置-“流浪者”,它是由大西洋的水听器录音制作的。与此同时,古图的电影“时光流逝”(Time Pass)描绘了一个学生,他选择坐在乞丐旁边,作为一个艺术项目的一部分-这是对艺术和艺术家在政治体系中所扮演角色的尖锐评论-而伊特斯塔德的安装电线和弦乐则对欧洲的难民危机发表了评论。
但正是贝尔德疯狂的壁画占据了上风,它的怪诞玷污了原始的画廊空间,同时也是古斯塔夫·维吉兰(Gustav Vigeland)不朽的石膏浮雕地狱的完美伴奏,永久安装在同一个房间里。
由挪威艺术委员会、特隆赫姆昆士泰博物馆、挪威馆长协会和挪威评论家协会编制的四名入围者组成,每两年举行一次。今年的国际评审团-立陶宛策展人雷蒙达斯·玛拉·奥斯卡斯(Raimundas Malašauskas)、挪威艺术家艾琳·穆加斯(Eline Mugaas)和Ikon画廊馆长乔纳森·沃特金斯(Jonathan Watkins)-提名贝尔德获得最高奖项,称她毫不掩饰的坦率是一个因素,尽管这四名入围者在为展览创作作品
Baird’s frenetic mural defiles the pristine gallery space while at the same time serving as the perfect companion piece to Gustav Vigeland’s monumental plaster relief Hell (pictured left), permanently installed in the same room. Photography: Anders Solberg. Courtesy of Trondheim Kunstmuseum
The artist created the seascape scenes first, creating haunting images of bodies being washed away in the tide. Photography: Anders Solberg. Courtesy of Trondheim Kunstmuseum
Jana Winderen presented an immersive (if not particularly gripping) sound installation, The Wanderer, made from hydrophone recordings in the Atlantic Ocean. Photography: Anders Solberg. Courtesy of Trondheim Kunstmuseum
Meanwhile, Ane Hjort Guttu’s film, Time Passes, traces a student who opts to sit next to a beggar as part of an art project – a biting commentary on the role of art and the artist within political systems. Photography: Anders Solberg. Courtesy of Trondheim Kunstmuseum
Snorre Ytterstad’s installation Wires and Strings comments on Europe’s refugee crisis. Photography: Anders Solberg. Courtesy of Trondheim Kunstmuseum
The Inherent Comedy in Objects, by Snorre Ytterstad, 2015. Photography: Anders Solberg. Courtesy of Trondheim Kunstmuseum
keywords:Art prizes and awards, Museums