moynats travelling boutique begins world tour at galeries lafayette paris
2013-07-09 13:24
Luxury luggagemaker Moynat has unveiled a 'nomadic boutique' at Parisian department store Galeries Lafayette. The pop-up shop, designed by Gwenaël Nicolas, will remain there for six months before travelling to Asia
这些天,一个主干展览通常包括预览-理想的是,购买-从设计师系列中购买,然后再向公众开放。但一个世纪前,一场后备箱展就是这样的:一场树干展。当然,意义是会有变化的。然而,对于历史悠久的汽车制造商Moynat来说,以一种将过去和现在结合在一起的方式重新审视这个概念,似乎特别符合公理。截至昨天,莫纳特在拉法耶特画廊内设立了一个移动租让区。它将在那里停留6个月,届时它将前往一个几乎得到确认的地点(首席执行官纪尧姆·达文(Guillaume Davin)只会透露出亚洲的一个大城市)。这个紧凑的空间(大约两辆汽车的长度)由格韦纳·l·尼古拉(Gwena L Nicolas)设计,他构思了莫纳特唯一的精品店-一家复杂的教堂,位于圣街348号(348 Rue Sue St-Honoré),刚刚对芬迪新开的蒙田大道(Avenue Montai涅)香奈儿和范克莱夫的手臂上
在Nair办公桌的一侧,Tae-in Song将首字母涂在一件印有字母的帆布上。他们一起构思了一种新的“破损”、阴影字体,使这些块状字母看起来像是被切成两半,并在太空中重新定向。正是这种设计调整表明,奈尔正以自己的速度推动品牌设计向前发展。在昨天参观弹出式(午餐前已经售出了几件)之前,我们和奈尔坐下来,更多地了解他在重建这样一个历史悠久、却鲜为人知的奢侈品牌方面的作用…你在上船之前对这栋房子了解多少?什么都没有。当纪尧姆和我上飞机时,我们完全不知道。我们看到了两三根树干,仅此而已。但我们有这个名字。然后我们开始挖掘。然后意识到有潜力。这是使它更容易或更多的挑战,重新启动?关于遗产的问题是,它可以让你承受压力,也可以帮助你。这真的取决于你如何玩它。当我们做精品店和作品的时候,我们不想让它们看起来像来自过去。我们一开始就说我们是现代的,我们有传统,但我们没有负担,你是从成衣开始的。你想把房子扩建成衣服吗?不,不再是了。我以前设计的衣服是基于一段很长的时间,而不仅仅是一个季节的理念。所以这不是在你最近的将来吗?不,不是在不久的将来。特别项目-比如为明星厨师Yannick Alleno定制的早餐后备箱,自行车或现在的这款行李箱-对品牌有什么好处?这对我和工匠来说都是个挑战。这是我们真正喜欢做的事情,因为我们不像每天都有顾客进来说我想要这样的行李箱。就像当你有车展,你看到概念车,这些都是充分发挥作用的想法。我们与La Cornue合作,想出如何整合一个工作的燃烧器。这辆自行车花了六个月的时间。我们有另一个很棒的项目,很快就会有一家英国公司。这些项目考验着我们,把我们的创造力推向了极限。你有没有想过,今天的旅行不那么优雅?我不会这么说。这是很私人的事。这就是我们现在要做的旅行,你必须去某个地方。但我对旅行的思考基本上是通过我的思想。我尽量不去想站在机场里的震惊。因为一旦你
Moynat is known for its lightweight trunks, originally constructed with a gentle curve on one side so that they were properly flush with the vehicle's body
The special edition Moynat bicycle anchors one end...
...and gives way to selection of the brand's best selling, hand-crafted handbags: Pauline, Réjane and the new Limousine style in a rainbow of hues including turquoise, bougainvillea, primrose yellow and terracotta
The pop-up looks permanent with its three walls in oak paneling, held together by an undulating overhead metal cage
Pictured is a prototype of a new, shaded typeface conceived by Moynat creative director Ramesh Nair and Moynat artisan Tae-in Song, which will soon find its way on to bags. To create the prototype, they did a cutout of the letter in paper, snipped and torqued it as you see and then shone a light on it to get the right shadow. It comprises 13 layers of water-based paint
Each bag is made entirely by one person and at the moment, the artisans number around a dozen
We take a tour inside Moynat's atelier, to see how its eponymous Réjane handbag comes together... The framing tool used to cut the pieces for a Réjane bag
Each panel of the bag is cut separately. The frame helps secure the leather before it gets die-cut
Before a bag is assembled, all the pieces are stacked in preparation
A craftsperson uses a hammer to tape the leather, which helps create a defined edge
The side edges of the bags are being finished to reduce thickness. Normally, this is done by hand
The edges along the Réjane bag are all hand-painted to create a smooth, defined line
Each Réjane bag is made by a single craftsperson and can take two days to complete
A cluster of handles before they are affixed to the bags
All of the handles are hand-sewn using thick, tone-on-tone thread
After the handles are formed, any excess leather is trimmed away
Adding the nickel-plated brass closures is one of the final steps
The completed Réjane bags with their signature rounded trapezoidal shape
keywords:Moynat, fashion, Galeries Lafayette, retail, design, shop, store
关键词:Moynat,时尚,Galeries Lafayette,零售,设计,商店