antti lovags maison bernard renovation by odile decq unveiled
2016-02-17 14:22
The colourful Maison Bernard in Théoule-sur-Mer has just opened to visits from the public, organised in small groups of eight, to allow space to fully appreciate the architect's unique architecture
匈牙利出生的建筑师安蒂·洛瓦格(Antti Lovag,1920-2014年)的大部分壮观作品可能至少在几十年前就已经完成了,但它似乎比以往任何时候都更流行。以20世纪70年代的激进建筑而闻名的洛瓦格,以他在戛纳的法国时装设计师皮埃尔·卡丁的不朽住宅的设计而闻名,于1989年完工。迪奥(Dior)在2016年巡航时装秀之后,于去年底在房地产市场出现了名为帕拉瓦·布尔(Pallais Bulle)的未来派宫殿。现在,洛瓦格不太知名的房子之一,MaisonBernard,在经过大规模的翻修后,向公众开放。
法兰西伯纳德在南法兰西海岸泰晤士河畔,是建筑师的第一个建造工程,他于1971为工业家Pierre Bernard和他的家人完成。这所房子把有机建筑看作是对抗现代主义所倡导的更为严格的统一。
自20世纪50年代以来,法国建筑师,包括Pascal H usermann、Jacques Cou lle、Jean-Louis Chaneác和Antti Lovag,一直在尝试雕塑式的住宅设计方法。他们想把新的建筑技术和更自然的生活方式结合起来。
位于巴黎的建筑师奥迪尔·德克(Odile Decq)在五年的时间里对麦森·伯纳德(MaisonBernard)进行了翻修,特别注意色彩的使用。室内由不同的色彩方案突出,这融合了洛瓦格最初的雕塑生活策略和当代法国南部的阳光和海洋的感官。
为了庆祝这一时刻,摄影师伊夫·盖利(Yves Gellie)创作了一系列聚焦于建筑形式和色彩的照片,这些照片着眼于艺术与建筑之间的关系。
Originally created by Antti Lovag for Pierre Bernard in the 1970s, the house has been recently restored over five years by Paris based architect Odile Decq
Lovag is known for his concept of 'bubble housing' and Maison Bernard is part of this approach
The house stands out for its unusual shapes and vibrant use of colour; rooms have been named accordingly, like the 'Colourful' room, pictured here
For the renovation works, Decq worked with craftsmen who had already collaborated with Lovag in the past and were familiar with his work
Isabelle Bernard, who heads the Maison Bernard Endowment Fund with Jean-Patrice Bernard, worked closely with Decq to find the way to best represent the original architecture through this renovation
The house includes the 'Orange' room, as well as the 'Pink' room, seen here through one of the house's round porthole windows
A guest room, pictured here, completes the interiors
keywords:France, Residential architecture, French architecture
匈牙利出生的建筑师安蒂·洛瓦格(Antti Lovag,1920-2014年)的大部分壮观作品可能至少在几十年前就已经完成了,但它似乎比以往任何时候都更流行。以这种70年代的激进建筑而闻名,洛瓦格以他的DES而闻名.