swiss athletics brand on re envisions the traditional office
2016-08-04 13:15
Swiss athletics brand On and industrial design firm Brunner Mettler Co have teamed up to reinvigorate the staid concept of office design. Pictured: the new office's 'play area'. Photography: Eduardo Perez
在此期间的四年里,该品牌从苏黎世中心扩张到波特兰和横滨,并在2015/16年度获得IPSO最佳性能鞋金奖(IPSO Gold),并在世界冠军和奖牌得主的脚下横越全球赛马场。
随着这些成功的到来,搬回家乡,苏黎世的西端出现了与Thilo Alex Brunner和Joerg Mettler的工业设计公司-Brunner Mettler Co-合作,重振办公室设计这一稳重的概念。
They settled on a central concept of 'flow'. Eschewing the common-sense approach of short distances around the office, they instead opted for a main pathway of 100m. Along this space, they explain, 'the whole team is lined up'. Pictured: a 'map' of the new space. Photography: Eduardo Perez
The entire new office is integrated and open-plan, with one exception. The only segregated zone is the On Lab, where the company's engineers work on their next groundbreaking designs. Photography: Eduardo Perez
Moving through this space across the working day, staff rack up an average 2–3km of distance each – and more than a marathon as a team. Pictured: a stand-up meeting room. Photography: Eduardo Perez
At one end of the office is the company's work desks – at the other is the communal kitchen and shower rooms. Pictured: the On office's 'water wall'. Photography: Eduardo Perez
Pictured from left: On's founders Olivier Bernhard, David Allemann and Caspar Coppetti, at the brand's old Zurich HQ, from our W* 165 feature. Photography: Leo Fabrizio
keywords:Office architecture and design, Swiss architecture