highlights from the armory show2016 art fair nyc
2016-03-04 17:25
The 22nd Armory Show opened last night in New York, attended by a buzzing VIP crowd. Photography courtesy Roberto Chamorro for The Armory Show
“这是一场竞技场,”昨天,新任执行董事本杰明·吉诺奇奥(Benjamin Genocchio)总结了军械库秀上挤满人的VIP预演。吉诺奇奥是一名编辑,曾是“纽约时报”(New York Times)评论员,曾在去年12月“很多集市都想要的是能量,这个地方就有活力。”这是一台销售机器。“
现在已经是第22年了,这个交易会肯定不会被它1913年的同名品牌所认可,甚至在1994年,商人科林·德·兰德、帕特·赫恩、马修·马克斯和保罗·莫里斯设想了一个朴素的当代概念(最初的名字是格拉西国际艺术博览会)。下午5点,肖恩·凯利(Sean Kelly)以20万美元的价格售出了两幅由Kehinde Wiley创作的巨幅作品(一幅画售价30万美元,一件雕塑售价375,000美元);杰克·谢尔曼(Jack Shainman)以20,000美元的价格卖出了Instagram-打破霓虹灯粉的巴克利·L·亨德里克斯(Barkley L Hendricks)的肖像画;斯普吕斯·马格斯(Sprüth Magers)以17.5万美元的价格售出了2010年的不锈钢英镑红宝石雕塑;玛丽安·博斯基(Marianne Boesky)和杰西卡·西尔弗曼
Genocchio说:“人们带来了大量的质量-他们对市场有点担心,所以他们带来了很棒的东西。”他指出,在今年的展会上,展会建立了一个更大的贵宾休息室,加强了游客服务。该公司还推出了“非洲焦点”(Africa Focus)部分,其中的亮点包括丹·哈尔特(Dan Halter)(在开普敦的Whatiftheworld)和西雅图玛丽安·易卜拉欣(Mariane Ibrahim-Lenhardt)的露比·奥尼耶西·阿曼泽(Ruby Onyinyechi Amanze)的个人献礼,后者还在他的92号码头休息室旁举办了斯蒂芬·伯克斯(Stephen Burks)的“黑色”展览。“我们会看看楼层平面图,试着在楼下创造更多空间,也许会把一些服务搬到92号码头,或者把贵宾休息室搬到别处去。”经销商想要更大的展位,它就会被没收。
The show has already proved to be a top-dollar success, with big ticket items shifting on the opening night. Pictured: Sombrillas Azules II, by Los Carpinteros, 2015. Courtesy the artist and Sean Kelly, New York
Wallpaper* caught up with new executive director Benjamin Genocchio, a former critic and editor who was tapped to run the fair in December. Pictured: Museum Tags: Second Movement, by Daniel Joseph Martinez, 1993. Courtesy the artist
Sean Kelly sold two massive works by Kehinde Wiley for $375,000 a piece. Pictured: Bound, by Kehinde Wiley, 2014. Photography: Jonathan Dorado at The Brooklyn Museum. Courtesy the artist
Saint George and the Dragon, by Kehinde Wiley, 2015. Courtesy the artist and Roberts & Tilton, Culver City, California
The Africa Focus section highlights included work by Ruby Onyinyechi Amanze at Seattle's Mariane Ibrahim Gallery. Pictured: The Gift [a room of no one's own], by Ruby Onyinyechi Amanze, 2015. Courtesy Mariane Ibrahim Gallery
Marianne Boesky and Jessica Silverman Gallery sold watercolour and gouache paintings by Dashiell Manley, whilst Jack Shainman sold Photo Bloke (pictured right), the Instagram-breaking neon pink Barkley L Hendricks portrait for a cool $200,000. Pictured left: Various sources (quiet satires), by Dashiell Manley, 2015. Courtesy the artist and Jessica Silverman Gallery
The show saw an increased number of spaces for the Armory Presents section, which received 220 applications for 20 slots. Pictured left: Adoration, by Sverre Bjertnes, 2016. Right: Job's Daughter, by Sverre Bjertnes, 2016. Courtesy Galleri Brandstrup
Newcomers this year also included Galeria Habana, who featured Obama, from the series Apnea by Ariamna Contino, 2014. Courtesy the artist and Galeria Habana
“这是一部牛仔竞技”,是由新的执行董事Benjamin Genocchio,一位编辑和前纽约时报评论家,他在十二月被召集参加这次博览会的时候,用来总结军械库展览的VIP预览。一件事很多…