thomas demand asks whether good artists copy and great artists steal at fondazione prada exhibition liimage volee
2016-03-17 17:45
A new exhibition curated by Thomas Demand at Fondazione Prada focusses on the theme of authorship, ownership and creativity from 1820 to the present. Pictured: Installation view. Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani Studio. Courtesy of Fondazione Prada
这就直接导致了艺术家们重新创作其他艺术家的艺术作品。困惑?这是“独占艺术”的影响之一,比如伊莲·施图特的“杜尚·曼·雷肖像”(Duchamp Man Ray肖像),它创造了一种眩晕感,与在互联网上无休止滚动的感觉没什么两样。
Essentially, the exhibition poses three questions: At what point does appropriation become theft? If an act of theft is artistic enough, is it acceptable? And can any art form exist without borrowing from elsewhere? Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani Studio. Courtesy of Fondazione Prada
Pictured from left to right: Empty frame of Vincent van Gogh’s Portrait of Dr. Gachet, 1890. John Baldessari's 'L’image volée' poster, 2015 – 2016. Stolen Pictures, 1948 Brochure. Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani Studio. Courtesy of Fondazione Prada
Carved into three overarching sections, L’Image Volee (The Stolen Image) deals with the physical and conceptual contemplations of the theme. Pictured: Untitled #01 t/c, by Haris Epaminonda, 2010. Courtesy Constantin Thun Collection, Berlin
American artist Richard Artschwager commissioned a Persian carpert – entitled Stolen Rug, 1969 (pictured) – to be stolen from the exhibition in which it was to appear in Chicago. Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani Studio. Courtesy of Fondazione Prada
This leads neatly on to artists who re-make other artists’ artwork, aka. Appropriation Art... Pictured: 2 by Henrik Olesen, 2016. Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani Studio. Courtesy Fondazione Prada
... Like Elaine Sturtevant’s Duchamp Man Ray Portrait (pictured), a piece from 1966, which creates a sense of vertigo that is not unlike the feeling of endlessly scrolling on the Internet. Courtesy Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac and Estate Sturtevant
Appropriation is discussed too in the collages of John Stezaker and Wangechi Mutu. Pictured from left: Oliver Laric's Penelope and Serial Classic. Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani Studio. Courtesy Fondazione Prada
Of the works to watch out for are Baldessari’s Blue Line (Holbein) installation, 1988, fitted with a hidden camera that takes pictures of visitors. Pictured: Poster for the exhibition 'L’image volée' at Fondazione Prada. © John Baldessari, 2016
At a certain point, the spectator becomes the spectated, as illustrated by this selection of spyware (Soviet and East German spy equipment) from the Wende Museum in Los Angeles. Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani Studio. Courtesy Fondazione Prada
keywords:Italy, Fondazione Prada