arkkitehdit davidsson tarkela bring together five historic buildings to create new home for helsinki city museum
2016-05-16 12:20
The Helsinki City Museum has just reopened in its new home in the heart of the Finnish capital
上周,赫尔辛基市立博物馆(赫尔辛基City Museum)重新开放,为人民的文化目的地定下了基调。这座博物馆讲述了芬兰首都旧时的生活,它刚刚搬到了当地公司阿尔基特·戴维森·塔尔凯拉(Arnkitehdit Davidsson Tarkela)设计的一处新的更大的馆舍。
博物馆的入口是无障碍的表现,大型大厅由室内代理机构Kakadu Oy提供,以鼓励游客居住。艺术家雅斯明·阿诺希金(JasminAnoschkin)设计的超大木雕动物,夹杂着现代和古旧的座椅。这是卡卡杜的15米长的“时间线”沙发,一个编织在一起的不同时期的班格坐在后面的墙壁。
戴维森·塔尔凯拉(Davidsson Tarkela)在过去曾是政府办公室的大楼里,拆除了隔墙和假天花板的内部结构,配合上世纪60年代赫尔辛基市政厅建筑师阿尔诺·鲁苏沃里(Aaron No Ruusuvuori)添加的内容。
然而,建筑师泰娜·莱恩(Taina Laine)1961年建造的法尔克曼大厦仍然保留着完整的建筑,包括时尚的螺旋楼梯和空心砖墙。不同的建筑通过一个具有象征意义的新身份,以及当地品牌公司Werklig创造的三种智能定制字体,进一步统一起来。
Designed by local firm Arkkitehdit Davidsson Tarkela, the new space sits within the city's historic Tori Quarters
The complex is composed of a collection of five buildings dating from the 1750s and positioned around a courtyard
Throughout the buildings, which had formerly been government offices, Davidsson Tarkela stripped the interiors of partition walls and false ceilings
The museum was designed to be friendly and welcoming to visitors, encouraging them to explore and dwell
Different displays vary from life-sized reconstructions of homes and different Finnish interior typologies... different objects and memorabilia exploring life in the Finnish capital in the past decades
keywords:Finnish architecture, Museum architecture