salute house of peroni returns to brick lane with vita allinterno
2015-11-04 15:05
The House of Peroni's Vita all'Interno – being held just off London's Brick Lane – offers a uniquely immersive dining and drinking experience
我们的大陆故事情节开始于一个繁忙的厨房-意大利文化的中心。从这里开始,客人们将来到一个通风的洗衣房,在那里挂着亚麻布和衬衫,擦干了肖雷迪奇的天空。这个梦幻般的,羽毛般的白色主题继续贯穿整个建筑,设计师弗朗西丝卡·西格诺里(Francesca Signori)用意大利夏季时装展示精美的纸张。
毫无疑问,由大师混合学家Simone Caporale创建的Peroni注入鸡尾酒列表增强了这种魅力。其中许多是在泡沫白色泡沫中,模仿啤酒的头部,进一步戏弄和测试感官知觉。
Central to the concept is the idea of traditional Italian hospitality, and guests are welcomed like old friends by a cast of Italian waiters, waitresses and 'nonnas'
Diners are encouraged to construct their own experience, by following maps and opening locked doors to hidden bars and terraces
Pictured: The Laundry Room. Part installation, part airy entrance hall, this room transports guests into a provincial Italian garden scene
Pictured: The Bedroom, by Rhea Thierstein. With a dreamlike 'down the rabbit hole' feel, surrealist director Thierstein creates dramatic scenes designed to tease our sensory perceptions
Pictured: The Private Dining Room, in which a five course meal is served, created by Michelan-starred chef Accursio Craparo
keywords:Food & Drink, Audemars
在超现实主义艺术总监瑞亚·蒂埃斯泰因的帮助下(他的作品在2012年10月出现),金格琳的苏兹·蒙特福特为佩罗尼之家创造了一个奇妙的感官世界,名为“维塔万里”(Vita all‘Interno),在那里可以享受晚餐。