lobjet opens first design store in west village new york
2016-09-27 13:08
The luxe home decór brand L'Objet has recently opened a 600-sq-ft boutique in New York's West Village
豪华家居品牌L‘objet的前室内设计师埃拉德·伊夫拉克(Elad Yifrach)在曼哈顿开设了自己的第一家实体店,地点位于西村布里克街(Bleecker Street)370号。Yifrach说,我想以一种不同于我们的住宅区销售点的方式与客户群体建立联系,并呈现出不同的观点。他因其复杂而轻松的氛围而被吸引到这个社区。
零售商店也将专门为其药剂师范围的整个部门。由雅恩·瓦斯尼尔(Yann Vasnier)品牌香水公司开发,由原料和精油制成,由三种香水组成:“玫瑰红”、“C te Maquis”和“Bois Sauvage”。所有这些都是在洗手和沐浴,洗手液和身体乳液,浴盐,酒吧肥皂和房间喷雾。因此,无论它是一个独特的礼物,一个美丽的对象或餐具,您想要的餐桌,L‘objet的新枢纽有一点点的一切,为有鉴赏力的审美观。
The shop showcases artisanal gifts, selected glassware, soft goods and tabletops items carefully handpicked by L'Objet's creative director, Elad Yifrach
The retail store will dedicate a section to its apothecary range, developed by Yann Vasnier, the brand's perfumer
The range will include three new scents – 'Rose Noire', 'Côte Maquis' and 'Bois Sauvage' – all of which will come in the form of a hand and body wash, hand and body lotion, bath salts, bar soap and room spray
Aside from L’Objet’s range of tabletop items, the retail location will carry objects that share the brand's sensibilities, from glassware by Jochen Holz and Lobmeyr, to rare vintage books and furniture
Yifrach's selection for his Bleecker Street hub has been sourced from across the globe
keywords:Interior design, New York design
前室内设计师Elad Yifrach在豪华住宅DeCor品牌L'Objet的背后,在曼哈顿的Belekk街370号开办了自己的第一个砖块和灰浆店。我想以一种方式与客户群联系。