interactive tour syros island house greece by katerina tsigarida
2016-08-25 11:58
This complex of five buildings on the northwestern edge of the Greek island of Syros, makes up a vacation house designed by Thessaloniki-based architect Katerina Tsigarida
Orientation was key to the design. All buildings catch an edge of the bay, while the axes of the intervening courtyards point directly to the island
Local stone exteriors drive the impression that the buildings emerge from the earth
The design was inspired by the primitive hut, explain the architects, and a longing for simplicity and going back to basics
The careful arrangement of the different volumes ensures natural ventilation and light, as well as protection from the strong coastal winds
The material palette includes timber ceiling beams and floors of polished cement embedded with grey and black sandstones
Aligned to Tsigarida's vision for a simple retreat, the design is dominated by a modern-rustic aesthetic
keywords:Interactive Floor Plans, Residential architecture, Greek architecture, On Instagram