photographer koto bolofo chronicles the construction of the new design museum london
2016-09-14 14:08
Photographer Koto Bolofo chronicles the transformation of the new Design Museum ahead of it's November rebirth... Pictured left: a last look at the internal space as it was originally designed by RMJM. It has now been substantially reconfigured by John Pawson, and a new double-height basement has been added. Right: the spacious interior is topped by the structure’s instantly recognisable, tent like roof. Its geometric shape means that the area beneath can be significantly free from structural support
摄影师Koto Bolofo 2011第一次访问伦敦联邦研究所时,在伦敦市中心发现了一件被遗忘的建筑文物。他回忆说,被公园的树木覆盖着,长满了野生草莓植物和一窝狐狸的家,“就像一座休眠的大教堂。”尽管肯辛顿大街上交通拥挤,但你甚至不知道它在那里。真奇怪。
出生于南非、总部位于伦敦的博洛福以他获奖的时尚摄影和电影而闻名,他对自己的第一个建筑项目感到担忧,但他同意进行一次测试。当时,荷兰公园以南那座1962年上市的二级建筑已经空置了十多年。这座博物馆尚未公开宣布为博物馆的新家,一年后,该博物馆耗资8300万英镑的约翰·波森(John Pawson)设计的改头换面开始动工。博洛福回忆道:“我拍了8-12秒的照片,这是我以前从未做过的,所以我甚至不确定这些照片会不会出来。”令人高兴的是,设计博物馆对他的“非建筑”方法感到非常兴奋,因此他在接下来的五年里每隔几个月重新访问一次这个网站,以跟踪它的变化。
随着蝴蝶几乎完全浮出水面,博物馆的内部正在进行最后的装修,而在二楼,一家戏剧性的咖啡馆和餐厅则承诺要偷走这场展览。理发师杰伊·奥斯格比(Jay Osgerby)解释说:“因为这是一座如此重要而重要的建筑,在室内设计方面,我们所能做的实在太少了。”
Pictured left: the hyperbolic parabolic copper roof. Right: on the brick and concrete former Commonweal Institute building, designed by RMJM in 1962, as it looked in May 2012
Pictured left: the copper clad roof is held up by an elegant concrete rib structure, adding drama to the space beneath. The restored concrete elements remain visible in the design, as well as the original wood wool panels. Right: the building’s diamond shaped plan was punctured by a round internal atrium at this height. This opening has now been redesigned by Pawson in a rectangular form
Sir Terence Conran, photographed by Bolofo in front of the museum on 9 August 2016
keywords:London, John Pawson, Design Museum, Barber & Osgerby, On Instagram