island retreat sterna art project 2016 takes over nisyros greece
2016-07-22 11:34
Sterna Art Project 2016 presents 'Experimental Education Protocol' at the Baths of Mandraki on Nisyros Island, inviting nine international artists and curators to participate. Pictured: Nisyros, by Panos Kokkinias, 2016. Produced for Sterna Art Project 2016. Photography: Panos Kokkinias
今年夏天,斯塔纳艺术项目提出了“实验教育协议”,邀请九名艺术家和策展人参与一个新的创作过程,制作和展示结果。由Athens艺术家Angelo Plessas策划,将在希腊尼西罗斯岛曼德拉基的澡堂举行。
斯塔纳艺术项目被设计为艺术家通过居住项目和展览汇聚的活跃空间。斯特纳是一个跨学科的非营利组织,由商业和营销培训摄影师Greg Haji Joannides于2014成立,其目标是培养和培养艺术家的创造性表达,同时挑战当代视觉文化。
今年的贡献包括教育家和策展人Sepake Angiama,他曾与伦敦Hayward画廊和圣彼得堡的Manifesta 10合作;以及希腊建筑师-艺术家Andreas Angelidakis;美国诗人、评论家和编辑Quinn Latimer;音乐家-艺术家Paolo Thorsen-Nagel;以及瑞典建筑公司DAPgroup Mia Lundstr m的首席执行官,后者也参与城市发展福利。
This method brings together and explores different views, personalities, approaches and empirical research from the participants in order for them to learn from one another and produce work – while steering clear of any rules, hierarchy or academic approach. Pictured: Falling, by Kostas Bassanos, 2014. Produced for Sterna Art Project 2014. Photography: Panos Kokkinias
While the previous Sterna Art Project explored and activated the eerie character and site of the Baths, this year's iteration focuses on an experimental process of joint experiential learning and creation. Pictured: 'Eye in the Bathtub', by Frederik Carstens, 2016. Photography: Dora Economou for Sterna Art Project 2016
'The flag: Sepake Angiama, Desire line', 2016. Photography: Dora Economou for Sterna Art Project 2016
Sterna is an interdisciplinary non-profit organisation set up by Greg Haji Joannides in 2014, which aims to foster and nurture the creative expression of artists while challenging contemporary visual culture. Pictured: promotional image for Sterna Art Project 2016