2014 2015 mies crown hall americas prize awarded to sanaa grace farms connecticut
2016-10-20 03:01
Connecticut's Grace Farms by SANAA has just been announced as the winner of the 2014/2015 Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize in Chicago. Photography: Iwan Baan
由建筑师、编辑和学者组成的评审团-他们在非洲大陆搜寻了过去两年来建造得最好的作品-格蕾丝·福尔斯不得不抵挡来自五个有价值的竞争者的竞争:安杰洛·布奇在巴西圣保罗的周末别墅,秘鲁利马的格拉夫顿建筑师的UTEC校区,秘鲁利马的Llosa Cortegana的Pachacamac博物馆;阿尔贝托·卡莱赫的周末别墅。位于墨西哥城的41座塔楼,以及美国洛杉矶的迈克尔·马尔赞的“明星公寓”。由加拿大多伦多帕托建筑师和卡恩斯曼奇尼建筑师组成的约克堡游客中心最初也被列入候选名单,但陪审团后来决定将提名推迟到下一个周期-2016/17年间-“以便开始其节目设计,使其景观成熟,并融入周围的社区”。
这个奖项是由伊利诺伊州理工学院建筑学院院长Wiel Arets于2013年发起的,其目的不仅是在世界的特定地区推广和鼓励伟大的建筑,还旨在培育一个横跨北美、中美洲和南美洲的建筑师、学者和学校网络。
Winner: completed in 2015, Grace Farms is located in New Canaan, Connecticut, USA. Photography: Iwan Baan
Nominee: Torre 41 by Alberto Kalach, Mexico City. Photography: Onnis Luque
Nominee: Torre 41 by Alberto Kalach, Mexico City. Photography: Onnis Luque
Nominee: Pachacamac Museum by Llosa Cortegana Arquitectos, Lima, Peru. Photography: Juan Solano
Nominee: Pachacamac Museum by Llosa Cortegana Arquitectos, Lima, Peru. Photography: Juan Solano
Nominee: Star Apartments by Michael Maltzan, Los Angeles, USA. Photography: Iwan Baan
Nominee: Star Apartments by Michael Maltzan, Los Angeles, USA. Photography: Iwan Baan
Nominee: UTEC Campus by Grafton Architects, Lima, Peru. Photography: Iwan Baan
Nominee: UTEC Campus by Grafton Architects, Lima, Peru. Photography: Iwan Baan
Nominee: Weekend House by Angelo Bucci, São Paulo, Brazil. Photography: Nelson Kon
Nominee: Weekend House by Angelo Bucci, São Paulo, Brazil. Photography: Nelson Kon
The Fort York Visitor Centre by Patkau Architects and Kearns Mancini Architects, Toronto, Canada was also originally considered for the shortlist, but the jury later decided to delay its nomination to the next cycle. Photography: Vik Pawha
keywords:Architecture awards and prizes, American architecture