veronica scanner creates live 3d portraits at the royal academy of arts
2016-09-02 17:04
Live 3D portraits are no longer tomorrow's dream, thanks to the 'Veronica Scanner', on display at the Royal Academy of Arts in London this September
“维罗尼卡扫描仪”(Veronica Scaner)(它的名字来源于拉丁文单词‘vera’的意思是真理,希腊语是图像‘εικόνα’)使用了一种先进的数字摄影测量技术来扫描你的头部。数千张重叠的照片是从多个角度拍摄的,然后通过软件算法-看起来像是未来主义版本的Photoshop-对齐成一个3D模型,可以在你选择的材料中呈现出来。也许是大理石,作为一个假古典(如果有点自我中心)的半身像。
维罗妮卡,正如设计师们亲切地称呼她的,是由法顿数字技术保护基金会和罗斯柴尔德基金会在两年内开发成的一个完整的包,它让你在几个小时内从坐姿到雕塑。这标志着数码肖像画的一个新时刻,正如FactuumArte的导演亚当·洛伊(Adam Lowe)所解释的那样:“我们把照片看作是图像,但这段进入3D肖像画的奥德赛表明,它们也可以是雕塑。”
Veronica (pictured) takes its name from a portmanteau of the Latin word 'vera' meaning truth, and the Greek word for image, 'εικόνα', and uses an advanced form of digital photogrammetry to scan one's head
Thousands of overlapping photographs are taken from many angles, then aligned by software algorithms into a 3D model that can be rendered in a material of your choice. Pictured: a selection of scanned heads, rendered in different materials
Says Factum Arte director Adam Lowe, 'The dream of the Greek sculptors was to create a realism that went beyond subjective interpretation. We are thrilled that both the RA and the Rothschild Foundation have reacted so quickly to bring this emerging technology to the public in a spirit of experimentation and curiosity’
For the first time, we can preserve a thoroughly accurate, unjudgmental representation of the human face, unbiased by pen, lens or canvas
keywords:Sculpture, Portraits, London exhibitions
不久前,如果你说一台自动机器可以在你等待的时候打印出逼真的3D肖像,你会被告知你需要你的头部扫描-但这正是皇家艺术学院本周末展出的。“Veronica SCA.