nycxdesign 2017 report

2017-05-31 13:42
Colony’s show was a swathe of white. Included in the mix was Hiroko Takeda’s incredible hanging veils of mohair, alpaca and wool and Farrah Sit’s ‘Ida’ and ‘Pingala’ hanging lamps. Photography: Alan Tansey

“坐下!“太舒服了,”埃里克·汉森(Eric Hansen)咆哮着,指着那张“喙”椅,这是一个光滑的丹麦橡木躺椅,带有静音的桃子皮座椅垫,是奥莱·万舍尔(Ole Wanscher)1951年设计的翻版。旁边站着安克巴克的折叠式“摇动巢”椅子,形状像婴儿的摇篮,但适合成年人使用。在未来完美的秘密空间,德拉·埃斯帕达(De La Espada)拥有马修·希尔顿(Matthew Hilton)的“阿姆斯特朗”(Armstrong)三座沙发;幽默的文本画家马克·亨德利(马克·亨德利(Marc Hundley)最近为弗里泽创造了一个家庭环境),推出了一套包括沙发、模组桌和长椅在内的系列。世界还没有变得气势汹汹-所有条纹的设计师似乎都被热情款待的佣金淹没了,而且对公共空间的需求形成鲜明对比:锋利的几何图形,华丽的大理石和红玛瑙天然材料,以及适合任何过滤器的静音调色板。后者尤其是在未经编辑的现场。来自蒙特利尔的克劳斯特在ICFF首次亮相,他告诉工作室的联合创始人菲利普·哈森(PhilipHazan),这是一款非常性感的玻璃和粉色红玛瑙椅子,给人一种“轻微的不安感”。
Anna Karlin用她的“月亮”橱柜装饰了ICFF的神秘面目,其中一个大理石凝视球栖息在一个玻璃橱柜里,从里面照进来。Bernhardt,也许是本周最远的演播室,为NFL传奇演员格里·克鲁斯提供了一个大厅友好的椅子。在这些备用而结实的房间里,每件都是一种被考虑的姿势,但也往往是拉双冲头。在其他地方,丰富辉煌的愿意与Mayer Davis的照明合作有一个灵活的挂件,可以安装,但你希望,而滚动。
就像可移动光源的概念扩大了使用空间的选择一样,它也很好玩-这是本周经常看到的一个手势。伊莉斯格雷厄姆的迷人的‘黑魔法’系列首次亮相视线之外。从格雷厄姆烟熏玻璃筑巢的床头柜到树脂容器,她对色彩互动的颂歌让我们对童年怀旧;在帕特里克帕里什,克里斯沃尔斯顿(Chris Walston)推出了一个户外收藏的前哥伦比亚时代的船椅,感觉像是被神拥抱了。毕竟,家是心所在的地方。
LA-based lighting brand Atelier de Troupe showcased its newest pieces against a rust backdrop at Sight Unseen Offsite. Photography: Charlie Schuck
Carl Hansen & Søn’s New York flagship was a a destination for simple but sumptuous wood furnishings. On display were original commissions from top Danish designers, including Poul Kjaerholm, Hans Wegner and Frits Henningsen, as well as forays with young designers, like Anker Bak’s ‘Rocking Nest’ Chair
Portland salvage-turned-home emporium Rejuvenation commissioned 14 designers to create new products made of only two natural materials. The result? Fruitsuper’s polished brass book ‘Wedge Weight’ and Pigeon Toe Ceramics’ porcelain brushes, both seen here
In collaboration with Swedish furniture brand Hem, London-based designer Philippe Malouin used an assortment of fabrics and materials to create an experimental and curious selection of screens, addressing the future of workspace design. Photography: Erik Lefvander
The 13 screens took only six days to create, and was presented in the neoclassical WeWork building in Bryant Park. Photography: Erik Lefvander
New York lighting manufacturer Rich Brilliant Willing collaborated with boutique agency Meyer Davis Studio. The pendant and sconce collections combine cutting-edge technology with casual sophistication
Sight Unseen Offsite featured its regular gang of Millennial-friendly designers, like Fort Makers, Another Human, Calico Wallpaper and Home Studios, whose impressive marble ‘Gather’ table was paired with its new ‘Double Swing’ pendant seen here. Photography: Charlie Schuck
Over in Brooklyn, Wanted continued its transnational outreach with a partnership with Oui Design, an outpost of the French Embassy’s cultural affair programme, where a seasoned design house is paired with an unlikely collaborator. The prime examples included glassmaker DH McNabb’s reflective prisms and orbs with Fondation d'entreprise Hermès, as well as David Week’s rugs with legacy loomers Ateliers Pinton
Also in Wanted’s Manhattan hub, Studio Gorm – awarded American Design Winner – unveiled new furnishings from its ‘New Frontier’ series, including the ‘Shell’ desk seen here
Surprising, delightful and multi-use, Chris Wolton’s indoor-outdoor terracotta furniture works put the fun in functional. Based on pre-Colombian deity statues, these handmade chairs double as planters, giving new meaning to garden stools
Prim but naughty Lee Broom knows how to make an entrance. His marble and crystal lighting fixtures do know how to cast shadows. No wonder Bergdorf Goodman tapped the designer to unveil four environments— work, play, exercise and explore – for its men’s store Fifth Avenue windows, replete with Broom’s signature pendants. Photography: Ricky Zeha
Czech glass manufacturer Lasvit and designer Yabu Pushelberg joined forces with the ‘Cipher’ lighting series. The hand-blown cylindrical crystal bulbs comprise heritage techniques and contemporary form with its clean cut lines that encourage flexible configurations
Brooklyn studio Volk debuted its ‘St Charles’ collection at ICFF, seen here as a freestanding mirror, chair and side tables, as well as the muted, pink-and-grey ‘Pacific’ armoire. Photography: James Chororos
Stellar Works had a big week, especially at ICFF, where the contemporary Asian studio corralled Yabu Pushelberg, Jun Aizaki (whose dyed, indigo-blue wood chair is seen here), and Space Copenhagen to unveil collaborative collections for the home
Moscow- and Brooklyn-based Crosby Studios, which made its debut last year at Sight Unseen Offsite, presented architectural seating in steel and brass for its second outing. Photography: Charlie Schuck
Norway x New York returned this year to Sight Unseen with another round of pairing Norse designers with some of New York’s brightest. Included in the booth were Jamie Wolfond and Sigve Knutson’s steel ‘Split’ bench and Moving Mountains and Runa Klock’s vessels blown at Urban Glass; and Vonnegut/Kraft and Kneip’s brick-and-wood side tables and vessels, seen here
Seattle-based Tom Kundig releases six new products including ‘Roo’ (left), a magnetic leather storage pouch that attaches to the collection’s steel tables and desks, and '‘B Hide’ – a welded steel tube door pull (right)
Over at Future Perfect’s ‘secret’ space, De La Espada’s clean comfy couches, light wood large dining tables and Karl Zahn’s jewellery-esque metal mobiles and lights were on show in a perfectly pink set. Photography: Lauren Coleman
Also on view at Sight Unseen was Fernando Mastrangelo’s new additions to his 'Ridge' series that included a wall mirror made of cut glass portraying a mountain landscape. Photography: Charlie Chuck
LA-based designer Elyse Graham hand-casts resin in colourful columns bearing geometric patterns
At ICFF, Anna Karlin – a standout every year – introduced cast bronze sculptural lights and a new bench
Brooklyn cross-disciplinary open forum Cooler Gallery challenged a particularly quirky group of designers for NYCxDesign including Pat Kim, Ben Erickson, and Aelfieand Michael Yarinsky to explore the limits of functionality. The results in include Erickson’s ethereal powder-coated amoeba blob, and one-of-a-kind prints from Kim
Montreal newcomer Claste stood out at the fair with its illusory chair collections. Pictured, ‘How Fragile This Love’ glass and onyx lounger
With home as the undisputed locale of choice, design retailer Avenue Road opened up an apartment-like showroom where the brand’s latest collaborations were on display, including the ‘Pli’ dining table by Victoria Wilmotte, ‘Mars’ dining chairs by Konstantin Grcic and ‘Array’ table lamp by Christopher Turner
Wanted Design has become a platform that offers a cross-cultural exchange. At its Manhattan fair, Brazil and Mexico held spotlight sections, as well as young designers from the Netherlands – from Alissa+Nienke’s pixelated motion ‘Dangling’ mirror, Dirk Vander Kooij’s ‘Chubby’ chair and Renate Vos’ cork-and-rubber squishy ‘Loev’ vases
Bathroom brand Gessi collaborated with The Rockwell Group for new fixtures that take their cues from industrial pipping and raw materials
Arper’s roomy ‘Arcos’ chairs and couches by Lievore Altherr met their playful match with lively carpets by Studio Proba and equally charming tabletop accessories by Good Thing
Sollos returned to ICFF for the second time to show its southern Brazilian design with the likes of ‘Cigg’ side tables, and  Red Dot Design Award-winning ‘Mia’ armchair
Italian architect Ferruccio Laviani realised a wildly patterned pop art backdrop for Foscarini’s newest designs inside its Soho space
Artist duo Chiaozza invited artists and designers to create objects under the themes of ‘Piles, Stacks, Lumps and Mounds’ at Sight Unseen. Pictured, ‘Coca Loco’ vessel (left), by Chiaozza; and Chen Kai's ‘Moonmilk Shard’ (right)
At its Flat Iron district showroom, bathroom brand Kohler launched anew experience centre, giving customers a first-hand offering of its luxury technologies including Real Rain, DTV+ digital showering system and VibrAcoustic hydrotherapy
Herman Miller showcased the experimentation and research of The Eames Office, and how its iconic designs have changed the times. Photography: Nicholas Calcott for Herman Miller
Bernhardt released new products by the likes of Airbnb’s Joe Gebbia, and NFL legend turned actor Terry Crews (his ‘Lilipad’ chair, pictured here)
keywords:Carl Hansen & Søn, New York design, Global Fair Guide 2017




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